Man pages for BRETIGEA
Brain Cell Type Specific Gene Expression Analysis

aba_marker_expressionNormalized FPKM expression data from a subset of the Allen...
aba_pheno_dataPhenotype data from brain samples in the Allen Brain Atlas...
adjustBrainCellsEstimate and adjust for brain cell type proportions in bulk...
adjustCellsAdjust for estimated cell type proportions in bulk gene...
brainCellsEstimate brain cell type proportions in bulk expression data...
BRETIGEABRETIGEA: BRain cEll Type specIfic Gene Expression Analysis
findCellsFind cell type proportions from bulk gene expression data...
kelley_df_brainMarker genes estimated from
markers_df_brainMarker genes estimated from a meta-analysis of brain cell...
markers_df_human_brainMarker genes estimated from a meta-analysis of brain cell...
markers_df_mouse_brainMarker genes estimated from a meta-analysis of brain cell...
BRETIGEA documentation built on May 5, 2021, 9:05 a.m.