Man pages for BSBT
The Bayesian Spatial Bradley--Terry Model

BSBTBSBT: Bayesian Spatial Bradley-Terry
comparisons_to_matrixConstruct Win Matrix from Comparisons
constrained_adjacency_covariance_functionConstruct a constrained covariance matrix from the adjacency...
constrained_covariance_functionConstruct a constrained covariance matrix from the Euclidean...
dar.adj.matrixAdjacency matrix for the subwards in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
dar.comparisonsComparative Judgment on Deprivation in Dar es Salaam,...
dar.shapefilesShape files for the subwards in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
female.mean.deprivationThe mean level of deprivation for subwards in Dar es Salaam...
forcedmarriage.comparisonsComparative Judgment on Forced Marriage in Nottinghamshire,...
loglike_functionCompute the loglikelihood function
male.mean.deprivationThe mean level of deprivation for subwards in Dar es Salaam...
mean.deprivationThe Mean Level of Deprivation for Subwards in Dar es Salaam
mvnorm_cholDraw a sample from a multivariate normal distribution
mvnorm_sdDraw a sample from a multivariate normal distribution
quality_ratioCompute the logit of the ratio of qualities
run_asymmetric_mcmcRun the BSBT MCMC algorithm with n types of individuals and...
run_mcmcRun the BSBT MCMC algorithm
run_symmetric_mcmcRun the BSBT with symmetric effect MCMC algorithm
simulate_comparisonsSimulate contests from the Bradley-Terry Model
BSBT documentation built on Aug. 9, 2022, 5:06 p.m.