Man pages for BSL
Bayesian Synthetic Likelihood

bslPerforming BSL, uBSL, semiBSL and BSLmisspec
BSL-classS4 class "BSL".
BSL-packageBayesian synthetic likelihood
cellCell biology example
combinePlotsBSLPlot the densities of multiple "bsl" class objects.
cor2covConvert a correlation matrix to a covariance matrix
estimateLoglikeEstimate the synthetic likelihood
estimateWhiteningMatrixEstimate the Whitening matrix to be used in the "wBSL" method...
gaussianRankCorrGaussian rank correlation
gaussianSynLikeEstimate the Gaussian synthetic (log) likelihood
gaussianSynLikeGhuryeOlkinEstimate the Gaussian synthetic (log) likelihood with an...
getGammaObtain the gamma samples (the latent parameters for...
getLoglikeObtain the log-likelihoods from a "BSL" object
getPenaltyObtain the selected penalty values from a "PENALTY" object
getThetaObtain the samples from a "BSL" object
ma2An MA(2) model
mgnkThe multivariate G&K example
MODEL-classS4 class "MODEL"
myMiniProgressBarProgress Bar
obsMat2deltaxConvert an observation matrix to a vector of n-day...
PENALTY-classS4 class "PENALTY"
rstableGenerate a random sample from the zero-centered stable...
selectPenaltySelecting the Penalty Parameter
semiparaKernelEstimateEstimate the semi-parametric synthetic (log) likelihood
sim_toadThe simulation function for the toad example
simulate_cellSimulation function of the cell biology example
simulationRun simulations with a give "MODEL" object
sliceGammaMeanGenerate a random sample of gamma for the R-BSL-M method of...
sliceGammaVarianceGenerate a random sample of gamma for the R-BSL-V method of...
summStatCompute the summary statistics with the given data
synLikeMisspecEstimate the Gaussian synthetic (log) likelihood whilst...
toadToad example
BSL documentation built on Nov. 3, 2022, 9:06 a.m.