Man pages for BSSasymp
Asymptotic Covariance Matrices of Some BSS Mixing and Unmixing Matrix Estimates

alphasAsymptotic variances of the deflation-based FastICA estimate
ASCOV_FastICAdeflAsymptotic covariance matrices of different deflation-based...
ASCOV_FastICAdefl_estAsymptotic covariance matrices of deflation-based FastICA...
ASCOV_FastICAsymAsymptotic covariance matrix of symmetric FastICA estimates
ASCOV_FastICAsym_estAsymptotic covariance matrix of symmetric FastICA estimate
ASCOV_JADEAsymptotic covariance matrix of JADE and FOBI estimates
ASCOV_JADE_estAsymptotic covariance matrix of JADE and FOBI estimates
ASCOV_SOBIAsymptotic covariance matrix of symmetric and deflation-based...
ASCOV_SOBI_estAsymptotic covariance matrix of symmetric and deflation-based...
aSOBIAlternative SOBI estimators
BSSasymp-packageAsymptotic Covariance Matrices of Some BSS Mixing and...
CRBCramer-Rao bound for the unmixing matrix estimate in the...
eSOBIThe efficient SOBI estimator
eSOBI_lagsThe default set of lag sets for the efficient SOBI estimator
BSSasymp documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 9:12 a.m.