
Defines functions print.BTLLasso

Documented in print.BTLLasso

#' Print function for BTLLasso objects
#' Prints the most important output of \code{BTLLasso} objects.
#' @method print BTLLasso
#' @param x \code{BTLLasso} object
#' @param \dots possible further arguments for print command
#' @author Gunther Schauberger\cr \email{gunther.schauberger@@tum.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{BTLLasso}}
#' @references Schauberger, Gunther and Tutz, Gerhard (2019): BTLLasso - A Common Framework and Software 
#' Package for the Inclusion  and Selection of Covariates in Bradley-Terry Models, \emph{Journal of 
#' Statistical Software}, 88(9), 1-29, \doi{10.18637/jss.v088.i09}
#' Schauberger, Gunther and Tutz, Gerhard (2017): Subject-specific modelling 
#' of paired comparison data: A lasso-type penalty approach, \emph{Statistical Modelling},
#' 17(3), 223 - 243
#' Schauberger, Gunther, Groll Andreas and Tutz, Gerhard (2018): 
#' Analysis of the importance of on-field covariates in the German Bundesliga, 
#' \emph{Journal of Applied Statistics}, 45(9), 1561 - 1578
#' @keywords BTLLasso
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' ##############################
#' ##### Example with simulated data set containing X, Z1 and Z2
#' ##############################
#' data(SimData)
#' ## Specify control argument
#' ## -> allow for object-specific order effects and penalize intercepts
#' ctrl <- ctrl.BTLLasso(penalize.intercepts = TRUE, object.order.effect = TRUE,
#'                       penalize.order.effect.diffs = TRUE)
#' ## Simple BTLLasso model for tuning parameters lambda
#' m.sim <- BTLLasso(Y = SimData$Y, X = SimData$X, Z1 = SimData$Z1,
#'                   Z2 = SimData$Z2, control = ctrl)
#' m.sim
#' par(xpd = TRUE)
#' plot(m.sim)
#' ## Cross-validate BTLLasso model for tuning parameters lambda
#' set.seed(1860)
#' m.sim.cv <- cv.BTLLasso(Y = SimData$Y, X = SimData$X, Z1 = SimData$Z1,
#'                         Z2 = SimData$Z2, control = ctrl)
#' m.sim.cv
#' coef(m.sim.cv)
#' logLik(m.sim.cv)
#' head(predict(m.sim.cv, type="response"))
#' head(predict(m.sim.cv, type="trait"))
#' plot(m.sim.cv, plots_per_page = 4)
#' ## Example for bootstrap intervals for illustration only
#' ## Don't calculate bootstrap intervals with B = 20!!!!
#' set.seed(1860)
#' m.sim.boot <- boot.BTLLasso(m.sim.cv, B = 20, cores = 20)
#' m.sim.boot
#' plot(m.sim.boot, plots_per_page = 4)
#' ##############################
#' ##### Example with small version from GLES data set
#' ##############################
#' data(GLESsmall)
#' ## extract data and center covariates for better interpretability
#' Y <- GLESsmall$Y
#' X <- scale(GLESsmall$X, scale = FALSE)
#' Z1 <- scale(GLESsmall$Z1, scale = FALSE)
#' ## vector of subtitles, containing the coding of the X covariates
#' subs.X <- c('', 'female (1); male (0)')
#' ## Cross-validate BTLLasso model
#' m.gles.cv <- cv.BTLLasso(Y = Y, X = X, Z1 = Z1)
#' m.gles.cv
#' coef(m.gles.cv)
#' logLik(m.gles.cv)
#' head(predict(m.gles.cv, type="response"))
#' head(predict(m.gles.cv, type="trait"))
#' par(xpd = TRUE, mar = c(5,4,4,6))
#' plot(m.gles.cv, subs.X = subs.X, plots_per_page = 4, which = 2:5)
#' paths(m.gles.cv, y.axis = 'L2')
#' ##############################
#' ##### Example with Bundesliga data set
#' ##############################
#' data(Buli1516)
#' Y <- Buli1516$Y5
#' Z1 <- scale(Buli1516$Z1, scale = FALSE)
#' ctrl.buli <- ctrl.BTLLasso(object.order.effect = TRUE, 
#'                            name.order = "Home", 
#'                            penalize.order.effect.diffs = TRUE, 
#'                            penalize.order.effect.absolute = FALSE,
#'                            order.center = TRUE, lambda2 = 1e-2)
#' set.seed(1860)
#' m.buli <- cv.BTLLasso(Y = Y, Z1 = Z1, control = ctrl.buli)
#' m.buli
#' par(xpd = TRUE, mar = c(5,4,4,6))
#' plot(m.buli)
#' ##############################
#' ##### Example with Topmodel data set
#' ##############################
#' data("Topmodel2007", package = "psychotree")
#' Y.models <- response.BTLLasso(Topmodel2007$preference)
#' X.models <- scale(model.matrix(preference~., data = Topmodel2007)[,-1])
#' rownames(X.models) <- paste0("Subject",1:nrow(X.models))
#' colnames(X.models) <- c("Gender","Age","KnowShow","WatchShow","WatchFinal")
#' set.seed(5)
#' m.models <- cv.BTLLasso(Y = Y.models, X = X.models)
#' plot(m.models, plots_per_page = 6)
#' par(op)
#' }
print.BTLLasso <- function(x, ...) {
  m <- x$Y$m
  n <- x$Y$n
  k <- x$Y$q + 1
  n.theta <- x$design$n.theta
  n.intercepts <- x$design$n.intercepts
  if (n.intercepts != 0) {
    n.intercepts <- n.intercepts + 1
  n.order <- x$design$n.order
  p.X <- x$design$p.X
  p.Z1 <- x$design$p.Z1
  p.Z2 <- x$design$p.Z2
  lambda <- x$lambda
  vars.X <- x$design$vars.X
  vars.Z1 <- x$design$vars.Z1
  vars.Z2 <- x$design$vars.Z2
  labels <- x$Y$object.names
  cat("Output of BTLLasso estimation:", "\n")
  cat("---", "\n")
  cat("\n", n, "subjects")
  cat("\n", m, "objects")
  cat("\n", k, "response categories")
  cat("\n", p.X, "subject-specific covariate(s)")
  cat("\n", p.Z1, "subject-object-specific covariate(s) with object-specific effects")
  cat("\n", p.Z2, "(subject-)object-specific covariate(s) with global effects")
  if (n.order == m) {
    cat("\n", n.order, "subject-specific order effects")
  if (n.order == 1) {
    cat("\n", "Global order effect")
  if (n.order == 0) {
    cat("\n", "No order effect")
  cat("\n", length(lambda), "different tuning parameters", 

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BTLLasso documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:57 a.m.