Man pages for BallMapper
The Ball Mapper Algorithm

BallMapperCreate vertices and edges (with additional properties) of a...
colorByAllVariablesProduce a collection of png files with mapper graphs colored...
colorByAverageValueOfOtherVariableProduce a new coloring vector being an average of values of...
color_by_distance_to_reference_pointsThis function will provide a new coloring which is the...
colorByStDevValueOfOtherVariableProduce a new coloring vector being a standard deviation of...
coloredDynamicNetworkThis procedure produces a dynamic graph with colors. It...
ColorIgraphPlotProduce a static color visualization of the Ball Mapper...
coordinates_of_points_in_subcollectionThis is an auxiliery function. It take the coordinates of...
find_dominant_difference_using_averagesThis procedure take two subset of points (that come from the...
find_dominant_difference_using_averages_normalized_by_sdThis procedure take two subset of points (that come from the...
GrayscaleIgraphPlotProduce a static grayscale visualization of the Ball Mapper...
normalize_to_average_0_stdev_1This function normalize each column (variable) of the input...
normalize_to_min_0_max_1This function normalize each column (variable) of the input...
points_covered_by_landmarksThis function returns a list of points covered by the given...
pointToBallListProduce a two column list. The first column contain the...
readBallMapperGraphFromFileThis procedure read the BallMapper object from file. The...
simpleDynamicNetworkThis is a simple example of dynamic visualization using...
storeBallMapperGraphInFileThis procedure store the Ball Mapper graph in a file in the...
BallMapper documentation built on Aug. 21, 2019, 1:06 a.m.