Man pages for BasketballAnalyzeR
Analysis and Visualization of Basketball Data

assistnetInvestigates the network of assists-shots in a team
barlineDraws a bar-line plot
bubbleplotDraws a bubble plot
corranalysisCorrelation analysis
CreateRadialPlotR function CreateRadialPlot by William D. Vickers, freely...
densityplotComputes and plots kernel density estimation of shots with...
drawNBAcourtAdd lines of NBA court to an existing ggplot2 plot
expectedptsPlots expected points of shots as a function of the distance...
fourfactorsCalculates possessions, pace, offensive and defensive rating,...
hclusteringAgglomerative hierarchical clustering
inequalityInequality analysis
is.assistnetReports whether x is a 'networkdata' object
is.corranalysisReports whether x is a 'corranalysis' object
is.fourfactorsReports whether x is a 'fourfactors' object
is.hclusteringReports whether x is a 'hclustering' object
is.inequalityReports whether x is a 'inequality' object.
is.kclusteringReports whether x is a 'kclustering' object
is.MDSmapReports whether x is a 'MDSmap' object
is.simpleregReports whether x is a 'simplereg' object
is.variabilityReports whether x is a 'variability' object
kclusteringK-means cluster analysis
MDSmapMultidimensional scaling (MDS) in 2 dimensions
OboxOpponents box scores dataset - NBA 2017-2018
PboxPlayers box scores dataset - NBA 2017-2018
PbP.BDBPlay-by-play dataset - NBA 2017-2018
PbPmanipulationAdapts the standard file supplied by BigDataBall to the...
plot.assistnetPlots a network from a 'assistnet' object
plot.corranalysisPlots the correlation matrix and the correlation network from...
plot.fourfactorsPlot possessions, pace, offensive and defensive rating, and...
plot.hclusteringPlots hierarchical clustering from a 'hclustering' object
plot.inequalityPlot Lorenz curve from a 'inequality' object
plot.kclusteringPlot k-means clustering from a 'kclustering' object
plot.MDSmapDraws two-dimensional plots for multidimensional scaling...
plot.simpleregPlot simple regression from a 'simplereg' object
plot.variabilityPlots a variability diagram from a 'variability' object
radialprofileDraws radial plots for player profiles
scatterplotDraws a scatter plot or a matrix of scatter plots
scoringprobPlots scoring probability of shots as a function of a given...
shotchartPlots different kinds of charts based on shot coordinates
simpleregSimple linear and nonparametric regression
TaddTadd dataset - NBA 2017-2018
TboxTeams box scores dataset - NBA 2017-2018
variabilityVariability analysis
BasketballAnalyzeR documentation built on July 2, 2020, 2:14 a.m.