Man pages for BayHaz
R Functions for Bayesian Hazard Rate Estimation

BayHazR Functions for Bayesian Hazard Rate Estimation
BPSevalHRFunction to Evaluate BPS Hazard Rates
BPSplotHRFunction to Plot BPS Hazard Rates
BPSpost2mcmcFunction to Convert BPS Posterior Samples into MCMC Objects
BPSpostSampleFunction to Sample Hazard Rates from BPS Posteriors
BPSpriorElicitFunction to Set Hyperparameters of BPS Priors
BPSpriorSampleFunction to Sample Hazard Rates from BPS Priors
CPPevalHRFunction to Evaluate CPP Hazard Rates
CPPplotHRFunction to Plot CPP Hazard Rates
CPPpost2mcmcFunction to Convert CPP Posterior Samples into MCMC Objects
CPPpostSampleFunction to Sample Hazard Rates from CPP Posteriors
CPPpriorElicitFunction to Set Hyperparameters of CPP Priors
CPPpriorSampleFunction to Sample Hazard Rates from CPP Priors
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BayHaz documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:07 a.m.