Man pages for BayesGESM
Bayesian Analysis of Generalized Elliptical Semi-Parametric Models and Flexible Measurement Error Models

BayesGESM-packageBayesian Analysis of Generalized Elliptical Semi-Parametric...
bspTool to approximate smooth functions by B-splines.
bsp.graph.fmemTool for plotting the nonlinear effects that are approximated...
bsp.graph.gesmTool for plotting the nonlinear effects that are approximated...
fmemFlexible Measurement Error Models
gesmGeneralized Elliptical Semi-parametric Models
mcmc.fmemMCMC algorithm for Flexible Measurement Error Models
mcmc.gesmMCMC algorithm for Generalized Elliptical Semi-parametric...
summary.fmemProduces a complete summary of flexible measurement error...
summary.gesmProduces a complete summary of Generalized elliptical...
TexasDataRelationship between income and demographic composition in...
BayesGESM documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:27 a.m.