bernoulli_data: Simulated intransitive pairwise preferences

bernoulli_dataR Documentation

Simulated intransitive pairwise preferences


Simulated dataset based on the potato_visual data. Based on the rankings in potato_visual, all n-choose-2 = 190 pairs of items were sampled from each assessor. With probability .9, the pairwise preference was in agreement with potato_visual, and with probability .1, they were in disagreement. Hence, the data generating mechanism was a Bernoulli error model \insertCitecrispino2019BayesMallows with \theta=0.1.




An object of class data.frame with 2280 rows and 3 columns.

See Also

Other datasets: beach_preferences, cluster_data, potato_true_ranking, potato_visual, potato_weighing, sushi_rankings

BayesMallows documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:31 p.m.