obs_freq: Observation frequencies in the Bayesian Mallows model

obs_freqR Documentation

Observation frequencies in the Bayesian Mallows model


When more than one assessor have given the exact same rankings or preferences, considerable speed-up can be obtained by providing only the unique set of rankings/preferences to compute_mallows, and instead providing the number of assessors in the obs_freq argument. This topic is illustrated here. See also the function rank_freq_distr for how to easily compute the observation frequencies.

See Also

Other preprocessing: estimate_partition_function(), generate_constraints(), generate_initial_ranking(), generate_transitive_closure(), prepare_partition_function()


# The first example uses full rankings in the potato_visual dataset, but we assume
# that each row in the data corresponds to between 100 and 500 assessors.
# We start by generating random observation frequencies
obs_freq <- sample(x = seq(from = 100L, to = 500L, by = 1L),
                  size = nrow(potato_visual), replace = TRUE)
# We also create a set of repeated indices, used to extend the matrix rows
repeated_indices <- unlist(Map(function(x, y) rep(x, each = y),
                               seq_len(nrow(potato_visual)), obs_freq))
# The potato_repeated matrix consists of all rows repeated corresponding to
# the number of assessors in the obs_freq vector. This is how a large dataset
# would look like without using the obs_freq argument
potato_repeated <- potato_visual[repeated_indices, ]

# We now first compute the Mallows model using obs_freq
# This takes about 0.2 seconds
  m_obs_freq <- compute_mallows(rankings = potato_visual, obs_freq = obs_freq, nmc = 10000)
# Next we use the full ranking matrix
# This takes about 11.3 seconds, about 50 times longer!
## Not run: 
  m_rep <- compute_mallows(rankings = potato_repeated, nmc = 10000)

  # We set the burnin to 2000 for both
  m_obs_freq$burnin <- 2000
  m_rep$burnin <- 2000

  # Note that the MCMC algorithms did not run with the same
  # random number seeds in these two experiments, but still
  # the posterior distributions look similar
  plot(m_obs_freq, burnin = 2000, "alpha")
  plot(m_rep, burnin = 2000, "alpha")

  plot(m_obs_freq, burnin = 2000, "rho", items = 1:4)
  plot(m_rep, burnin = 2000, "rho", items = 1:4)

## End(Not run)

# Next we repeated the exercise with the pairwise preference data
# in the beach dataset. Note that we first must compute the
# transitive closure for each participant. If two participants
# have provided different preferences with identical transitive closure,
# then we can treat them as identical
beach_tc <- generate_transitive_closure(beach_preferences)
# Next, we confirm that each participant has a unique transitive closure
# We do this by sorting first by top_item and then by bottom_item,
# and then concatenating, whereupon we check how many participants there
# are for each unique concatenation
# This returns zero rows, so there are no participants with the same transitive closure
beach_tc <- beach_tc[order(beach_tc$assessor, beach_tc$top_item,
                           beach_tc$bottom_item), ]
aggr_df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(split(beach_tc, f = beach_tc$assessor), function(x){
  x$concat_ranks <- paste(c(x$bottom_item, x$top_item), collapse = ",")

aggr_df <- aggregate(list(num_assessors = aggr_df$assessor),
                     aggr_df[, "concat_ranks", drop = FALSE],
                     FUN = function(x) length(unique(x)))

nrow(aggr_df[aggr_df$num_assessors > 1, , drop = FALSE])

# We now illustrate the weighting procedure by assuming that there are
# more than one assessor per unique transitive closure. We generate an
# obs_freq vector such that each unique transitive closure is repeated 1-4 times.
obs_freq <- sample(x = 1:4, size = length(unique(beach_preferences$assessor)), replace = TRUE)

# Next, we create a new hypthetical beach_preferences dataframe where each
# assessor is replicated 1-4 times
beach_pref_rep <- do.call(
  lapply(split(beach_preferences, f = beach_preferences$assessor),
           ret <- merge(
               new_assessor = seq_len(obs_freq[unique(dd$assessor)])
               ), all = TRUE)
           ret$assessor <- paste(ret$assessor, ret$new_assessor, sep = ",")
           ret$new_assessor <- NULL

# We generate transitive closure for these preferences
beach_tc_rep <- generate_transitive_closure(beach_pref_rep)
# We can check that the number of unique assessors is now larger,
# and equal to the sum of obs_freq

# We generate the initial rankings for the repeated and the "unrepeated"
# data
beach_rankings <- generate_initial_ranking(beach_tc, n_items = 15)
beach_rankings_rep <- generate_initial_ranking(beach_tc_rep, n_items = 15)

## Not run: 
# We then run the Bayesian Mallows rank model, first for the
# unrepeated data with a obs_freq argument. This takes about 1.9 seconds
  model_fit_obs_freq <- compute_mallows(rankings = beach_rankings,
                                       preferences = beach_tc,
                                       obs_freq = obs_freq,
                                       save_aug = TRUE,
                                       nmc = 10000)


# Next for the repeated data. This takes about 4.8 seconds.
  model_fit_rep <- compute_mallows(rankings = beach_rankings_rep,
                                   preferences = beach_tc_rep,
                                   save_aug = TRUE,
                                   nmc = 10000)


# As demonstrated here, using a obs_freq argument to exploit patterns in data
# where multiple assessors have given identical rankings or preferences, may
# lead to considerable speedup.

## End(Not run)

BayesMallows documentation built on Nov. 25, 2023, 5:09 p.m.