Man pages for BayesSurvival
Bayesian Survival Analysis for Right Censored Data

BayesSurvCompute the posterior mean and a credible band for the...
CumhazEvalEvaluate whether a true cumulative hazard function is...
MCMCDepGammaFirstSampler for the first interval for the piecewise exponential...
MCMCDepGammaIntermediateSampler for the intermediate intervals for the piecewise...
PlotBayesSurvPlot the posterior mean with credible band for the survival...
RadiusCredibleSetComputes the radius of a fixed width credible set for the...
ReshapeDataReshape right censored data to be used with a piecewise...
SamplePosteriorDepGammaDraw samples from the posterior for the hazard, using the...
SamplePosteriorIndepGammaDraw samples from the posterior for the hazard, using the...
SurvEvalEvaluate whether a true survival function is contained in the...
SurvivalFromCumhazTransform posterior draws from the cumulative hazard into...
BayesSurvival documentation built on March 13, 2021, 1:07 a.m.