Bayesrel: Bayesian Reliability Estimation

Functionality for reliability estimates. For 'unidimensional' tests: Coefficient alpha, 'Guttman's' lambda-2/-4/-6, the Greatest lower bound and coefficient omega_u ('unidimensional') in a Bayesian and a frequentist version. For multidimensional tests: omega_t (total) and omega_h (hierarchical). The results include confidence and credible intervals, the probability of a coefficient being larger than a cutoff, and a check for the factor models, necessary for the omega coefficients. The method for the Bayesian 'unidimensional' estimates, except for omega_u, is sampling from the posterior inverse 'Wishart' for the covariance matrix based measures (see 'Murphy', 2007, <>. The Bayesian omegas (u, t, and h) are obtained by 'Gibbs' sampling from the conditional posterior distributions of (1) the single factor model, (2) the second-order factor model, (3) the bi-factor model, (4) the correlated factor model ('Lee', 2007, <doi:10.1002/9780470024737>).

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Package details

AuthorJulius M. Pfadt [aut, cre] (<>), Don van den Bergh [aut] (<>), Joris Goosen [aut]
MaintainerJulius M. Pfadt <>
Package repositoryView on CRAN
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Bayesrel documentation built on Aug. 9, 2023, 5:09 p.m.