Man pages for BeyondBenford
Compare the Goodness of Fit of Benford's and Blondeau Da Silva's Digit Distributions to a Given Dataset

address_AixesurVienneStreet addresses of Aixe-sur-Vienne
address_LimogesStreet addresses of Limoges
address_PierreBuffiereStreet addresses of Pierre-Buffiere
Benf.valBenford's values
BeyondBenford-packageCompare the goodness of fit of Benford's and Blondeau Da...
Blon.valBlondeau Da Silva's values
Blon.val.sdBlondeau Da Silva's standard deviations
censusAlabama census
chi2Pearson's chi-squared test
dat.distrData distribution
digit.distrDistribution of figures in a given position
obs.numb.digFrequency of each figure at a given position
prepData set preparation
theor.distr.valTheoretical distribution
BeyondBenford documentation built on July 25, 2020, 1:06 a.m.