Man pages for BibPlots
Plot Functions for Use in Bibliometrics

beamplotCreate a beamplot using raw citations from a WoS download
beamplot_scopusCreate a beamplot using raw citations from a Scopus download
DAMBibPlotCreate a difference against mean plot using journal and paper...
example_researcherExample data set from publication for scatter plot and...
inv_perc_beamplotCreate a beamplot using inverted percentile values
jpscatterCreate a scatter plot using journal and paper percentile...
ncr_compCreate a spectrogram using data from the free software...
perc_beamplotCreate a beamplot using percentile values
rpysCreate a spectrogram using data from the free software...
rpys_blCreate a spectrogram with bars and lines using data from the...
rpys_example_dataExample data set for the rpys function
BibPlots documentation built on Oct. 12, 2021, 5:08 p.m.