Man pages for BinNonNor
Data Generation with Binary and Continuous Non-Normal Components

BinNonNor-packageData Generation with Binary and Continuous Non-Normal...
Biserial.Corr.BNComputes the biserial correlation matrix for binary and...
correlation.bound.checkChecks if the pairwise correlation among variables are within...
correlation.limitsComputes lower and upper correlation bounds for each pair of...
fleishman.coefComputes the coefficients of Fleishman third order...
gen.Bin.NonNorSimulates a sample of size n from a set of multivariate...
Int.Corr.NNComputes an intermediate correlation matrix for continuous...
overall.corr.matComputes the final correlation matrix
Tetra.Corr.BBComputes the tetrachoric correlation matrix for binary...
validation.binValidates the marginal specification of the binary variables
validation.corrValidates the specified correlation matrix
validation.skewness.kurtosisValidates the marginal specification of the continuous...
BinNonNor documentation built on March 22, 2021, 9:08 a.m.