Man pages for Biolinv
Modelling and Forecasting Biological Invasions

cosdComputes the cosine of an angle expressed in decimal degrees.
distancesHidden functions for EM algorithm.
EMRuns the EM algorithm.
frogsFrogs sighting locations.
frogsEMFrogs sighting locations and the output of the EM() function.
frogsJKFour Jackknife re-samplings done on dataset 'frogs' generated...
frogsLacroSimulated datasets for comparison with 'frogs' dataset...
frogsSumSummary of the dissimilarity values of each of the dataframes...
fxOne dimentional dispersal kernel function.
jackKnifeJackknifes a dataset.
modSelWrapper for function spatSim() which allows use on multiple...
NPGGenerates points of natural origin.
nzpLandmasses of the two main islands of New Zealand as...
nzwLandmasses of the two main islands of New Zealand as Window...
plotAlphaPlots the output of modSel().
plotlacroPlots the file type used as input and output of simulacro().
RPGGenerates random points within a geographic boundary.
SDSGenerates a list of dispersal vectors.
simulacroBuilds a simulated biological invasion dataset.
sindComputes the sine of an angle expressed in decimal degrees.
spatFilterFilters a set of points based on a probability map.
spatSimComputes spatial dissimilarity of two point processes.
Biolinv documentation built on March 30, 2021, 5:13 p.m.