Compute Blau statues for individuals across all niches

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nodal.globalR Documentation

Compute Blau statues for individuals across all niches


Computes three measures—total number of organizations the individual occupies, total number of niches a person occupies, and a string indicating the niches an individual occupies.

Usage, dev.range, = FALSE)



An object of class blau initialized with the function blau. Individuals will automatically be placed in niches with the function niches if this has not been done manually.


When creating niches, indicates standard deviation around the mean in each dimension to include in niche. A larger value will make niches larger and therefore include more individuals.

Defaults to FALSE. If set to TRUE, treats all individuals as in the same ecology, even if ecology identifiers (ecology.ids) have been specified. Will call the niches function and overwrite its output even if it has been manually called by the user.


The three measures computed provide information on each individual across all niches.

TotalOrgs: Total number of organizations the person is in. The lower bound is 0 and the upper bound is the maximum number of organizations in the ecology.

Nicher: Provides information on how many niches the person is in or how many organizations are competing for that individual (irrespective of actual membership). The value of 0 indicates that a person in an outsider (is not in any niche). The value of 1 indicates that the person is an exclusive nicher, suggesting an organizational monopoly. A value of 2 or more indicates that the person is a manifolder or belongs to multiple niches and is a potential recruit for multiple organizations.

Niches: a string indicating which niches the individual belongs to and containing niche column numbers separated by spaces. This provides an at-a-glance format and may be easily split up with string parsing functions.


A matrix object stored in object$nodalGlobal that contains the three measures in three columns. Row names are node names provided with the blau function.


b <- blau(TwoCities, node.ids = 'respID', ecology.ids = 'samp')
#will automatically call niches
b0 <-, dev.range = rep(1.5, 10)) # 10 is the number of dimensions
#treat all individuals as in same ecology
b1 <-, dev.range = rep(1.5, 10), = TRUE) 
# 10 is the number of dimensions in the command line above 

Blaunet documentation built on Sept. 27, 2022, 9:05 a.m.