Man pages for BootMRMR
Bootstrap-MRMR Technique for Informative Gene Selection

bmrmr.pval.cutoffSelection of informative geneset based on statistical...
bmrmr.weight.cutoffSelection of informative geneset using gene weights obtained...
bootmr.weightComputation of weights for informative genes/ geneset...
geneslect.fInformative gene set selection using F-score
mbmr.pval.cutoffSelection of informative geneset based on statistical...
mbmr.weight.cutoffIdentification of informative geneset based on weights...
mrmr.cutoffInformative geneset selection using MRMR weights
pval.bmrmrCompuation of statistical significance values for genes using...
pval.mbmrComputation of statistical significance values for genes...
rice_saltA gene expression dataset of rice under salinity stress
topsis.methSelection of optimal gene selection method(s)/method(s)...
weight.mbmrComputation of weights for informative gene selection using...
Weights.mrmrComputation of MRMR weights for gene selection
BootMRMR documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:49 p.m.