fixparBbd: Sets parametric values

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also

View source: R/fixparBbd.R


The function fixparbd creates a tcltk widow that allows users to set or fix values for the parametric combinations to compute Bayesian optimal block designs.





character, specifying the optimality criteria to be used. Optcrit takes the letter "A" and "D" for Bayesian A- and D- optimal block designs, respectively.


fixparBbd creates a pop-up tcltk window that allows users to set the parametric combinations to compute optimal or near-optimal block designs. The parameters include the number of treatments, number blocks, alpha and betha value, number of replications of the optimization procedure nrep, number of Monte Carlo samples brep and number of iterations required during exchange procedure itr.cvrgval. Furthermore, on this window, the checkbox options that allow the users to choose whether or not they need to have the graphical layout of the resultant Bayesian optimal block design and to print the summary of the resultant Bayesian optimal design on R-console directly are available.

After setting all the required parametric combinations and selecting the algorithm of interest, clicking on the search button on the set parametric combinations tcltk window, similar to the results that can be obtained when using the function Boptbd, the summary of the resultant Bayesian optimal block design is also saved in a temporary directory in .csv format and it will also be displayed on R console with graphical layout of the resultant Bayesian optimal block designs.


The fixparBbd function creates a pop-up tcltk window that allows users to set the parametric combinations to compute Bayesian optimal block designs.


Dibaba Bayisa Gemechu, Legesse Kassa Debusho, and Linda Haines

See Also

Boptbd, mmenuBbd, tcltk, TkWidgets

Boptbd documentation built on March 26, 2020, 8:38 p.m.

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