Man pages for CA3variants
Three-Way Correspondence Analysis Variants

ca3basicThree-way Symmetrical Correspondence Analysis
ca3plotRow isometric biplot or Column isometric biplot
CA3variantsCorrespondence Analysis variants for three-way contingency...
caplot3dThree dimensional correspondence plot
chi3The partition of the Pearson three-way index
chi3orderedThe partition of the Pearson three-way index.
chknegCheck the sign of component values
coordThe weighted components of the Tucker3 algorithm
coordnsc3The weighted components of the Tucker3 algorithm
criterThe stopping criteria for the Tucker3 algorithm
criteraCriterion of the Tucker3 algorithm
crptrsPointing to the columns of the component matrices.
emerson.polyOrthogonal polynomials
flattenFlattened table
happyThree-way contingency table
happyNLRaw data: Three variables from a Dutch survey on happiness
init3Initial components from the Tuckals3 algorithm
init3orderedInitial components from the Trivariate Moment Decomposition...
init3ordered1Initial components from the Trivariate Moment Decomposition...
init3ordered2Initial components from the Trivriate Moment Decomposition...
invcmpChanging component sign
invcorChanging core sign
KronKronecker product
loss1.3General loss criterion
loss1.3orderedGeneral loss criterion
loss2Difference between two successive components
makeindicatorMake an Indicator matrix
margIRow marginals of a three-way contingency table
margJColumn marginals of a three-way contingency table
margKTube marginals of a three-way contingency table
museumRaw data: Three variables from a survey
newcomp3Updated component matrices
newcomp3orderedUpdated component matrices
newcomp3ordered1Updated component matrices
newcomp3ordered2Updated component matrices
nsca3basicThree-way Non-Symmetrical Correspondence Analysis
oca3basicThree-way Ordered Symmetrical Correspondence Analysis
oliveThree-way contingency table
onsca3basicThree-way Ordered Non-Symmetrical Correspondence Analysis
p.extThe external product in Tuckals3.
plot.CA3variantsGraphical display resulting from 'CA3variants'
plot.tunelocalGraphical display resulting from 'tunelocal'
print.CA3variantsPrint of three-way correspondence analysis results
print.tunelocalPrint of tunelocal function results
prod3Products among arrays
ratrankRating-ranking data a three-way contingency table
reconst3Reconstruction of the three-way centred profile table
rstand3Weighted centred three-way table for three-way non-symmetric...
selmodSelecting the mode.
signscoreChanging the sign of negative core values.
simulabootsimpleGeneration of parametric bootstrap samples
simulabootstratGeneration of parametric bootstrap samples
srtcorSort the core array
standtabThree-way centred column profile table for the three-way...
step.g3The core array derived via the Tucker3 model.
step.g3orderedThe core array derived via the Trivariate Moment...
stepi3Component matrices from the Tucker3 decomposition
stepi3orderedComponent matrices from the Trivariate Moment Decomposition...
summary.CA3variantsSummary of three-way correspondence analysis results
tau3Partition of the Marcotorchino three-way index
tau3orderedThe partition of the Marcotorchino three-way index.
threewaybootGeneration of non-parametric bootstrap samples
tuckerTucker3 decomposition of the three-way table.
tuckerORDEREDTrivariate moment decomposition of the three-way table.
tunelocalDimension selection for three-dimensional correspondence...
CA3variants documentation built on Oct. 10, 2022, 5:07 p.m.