Man pages for CAST
'caret' Applications for Spatial-Temporal Models

aoaArea of Applicability
bssBest subset feature selection
calibrate_aoaCalibrate the AOA based on the relationship between the DI...
CAST'caret' Applications for Spatial-Temporal Models
clustered_sampleClustered samples simulation
CreateSpacetimeFoldsCreate Space-time Folds
ffsForward feature selection
global_validationEvaluate 'global' cross-validation
knndm[EXPERIMENTAL] K-fold Nearest Neighbour Distance Matching
nndmNearest Neighbour Distance Matching (NNDM) algorithm
plotPlot CAST classes
plot_ffsPlot results of a Forward feature selection or best subset...
plot_geodistPlot euclidean nearest neighbor distances in geographic space...
printPrint CAST classes
trainDICalculate Dissimilarity Index of training data
CAST documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:07 p.m.