Man pages for CCTpack
Consensus Analysis, Model-Based Clustering, and Cultural Consensus Theory Applications

cctapplyPrimary function to perform model-based consensus analysis:...
cctcatAccessor function for the model-estimated category boundaries...
cct-classClass '"cct"'
cctexportExport the results (the cctfit object)
cctfacAccessor function for the factor coefficients after 'dat <-...
cctguiThe CCT GUI
cctitemAccessor function for the item parameters (obtained from the...
cctitemhdiAccessor function for the item parameter credible intervals...
cctmembAccessor function for the cluster memberships of the...
cctmvestAccessor function for the missing value estimates of the...
CCTpack-packageCCTpack: Consensus Analysis, Model-Based Clustering, and...
cctppcCalculate or Plot the Posterior Predictive Model Checks
cctresultsPlot the posterior results from the model inference
cctscreeGenerate a scree plot
cctsubjAccessor function for the subject parameters (obtained from...
cctsubjhdiAccessor function for the subject parameter credible...
dtraceplotTraceplots for discrete parameters of a cctfit object
plotPlot method for a cctfit object of class 'cct'; equivalent to...
plot-methods~~ Methods for Function 'plot' in Package 'graphics' ~~
screeplotGenerate a scree plot
screeplot-methods~~ Methods for Function 'screeplot' in Package 'stats' ~~
summarySummary of the cctfit object of class 'cct'.
summary-methods~~ Methods for Function 'summary' in Package 'base' ~~
CCTpack documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:45 p.m.