SeasonalFilter: Filter image catalog for seasonal images

View source: R/SeasonalFilter.R

SeasonalFilterR Documentation

Filter image catalog for seasonal images


Filters image catalog entries that fall in the season of interest - dates between from day/month and to day/month for all years in the from - to time range.


SeasonalFilter(catalog, from, to)



data.frame or sf object as the one produced by a call to SearchCatalog


start of the season of interest.


end of the season of interest.

The from and to arguments can be either Date or character that can be converted to date by as.Date. Open intervals are not allowed (both from and to must be valid dates).


A data.frame or a sf object, depending on the type of the input.

See Also

SearchCatalog, SeasonalTimerange


## Not run: 
dsn <- system.file("extdata", "centralpark.geojson", package = "CDSE")
aoi <- sf::read_sf(dsn, as_tibble = FALSE)
all_images <- SearchCatalog(aoi = aoi, from = "2021-06-01", to = "2023-08-31",
    collection = "sentinel-2-l2a", with_geometry = TRUE, client = OAuthClient)
sesonal_images <- SeasonalFilter(all_images, from = "2021-06-01", to = "2023-08-31")

## End(Not run)

CDSE documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:43 p.m.