Man pages for CEAmarkov
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis using Markov Models

change_current_prob_to_cycle_probTitle This function converts the given probabilities to match...
check_variables_compatibilityTitle This function ensures the model's input are compatible
cond_prob_calcTitle conditional probability sd calculation
cond_prob_calc_1Title part one conditional probability sd calculation
cond_prob_calc_2Title part two conditional probability sd calculation
covert_discount_rateTitle This function converts an annual discount rate to the...
extract_by_ageTitle This function extract the all-cause mortality...
extract_probTitle This function extract all-cause mortality probability...
f1_sumTitle part one of the sd calculation
fill_trans_matrix_valTitle This function embeds the all-cause mortality...
final_resTitle sum of conditional probability one and two
main_sd_functionTitle part two of the sd calculation
prepare_trans_matrixTitle This function embeds the all-cause mortality...
sample_dataThis is data to be included in my package
SD_main_funcTitle This function calculates the standard deviation of the...
sd_sim_functionTitle simulation function used in the sd calculation
sim_functionTitle This function runs the simulation using the given...
CEAmarkov documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:49 p.m.