
Defines functions MatchW MatchPW

Documented in MatchPW MatchW

# CMatch: match within and preferential within
CMatch <-function (type,Y=NULL, Tr, X,
weights=NULL,replace=TRUE,ties=TRUE,...) {
   if (type!="within" & type!="pwithin"){stop("type must be one of < within > or < pwithin > ")}  
         if (any(Group%%1==0)==FALSE & is.null(Group)==FALSE){
       	     stop("The variable Group should be integer valued")
         if (is.unsorted(Group)==TRUE) { 
         	stop("The variable Group is not in ascending order. Please reorder the input (X,Tr,Y, Group) in ascending order of Groupp.")
   	if (type=="within"){  		
   	return(MatchW(Y, Tr, X, Group,estimand,M,exact,caliper,weights,replace,ties,...))	
   	if (type=="pwithin"){ 		
   	return(MatchPW(Y=Y, Tr=Tr, X=X, Group=Group,estimand=estimand,M=M,exact=exact,caliper=caliper,weights=weights,replace=replace,ties=ties,...))	


MatchW<-function(Y=NULL, Tr, X,
weights=NULL,replace=TRUE,ties=TRUE,...) {
# match units within clusters defined by the variable Group. 
	  	   # check input variables

       if (any(Group%%1==0)==FALSE & is.null(Group)==FALSE){
       	stop("The variable Group should be integer valued")
         if (is.unsorted(Group)==TRUE) { stop("The variable Group is not in ascending order. Please reorder the input (X,Tr,Y, Group) in ascending order of Groupp.")
         	 # ordg<-order(Group)
       	     # Group<-Group[ordg] ; Y<-Y[ordg]; Tr<-Tr[ordg] ; X<-as.matrix(as.matrix(X)[ordg,])
        if (is.null(weights)) {
        	weights <- rep(1, length(Tr))} else {weights <- as.double(weights)
        if (is.null(exact)) exact<-FALSE 
        Y.orig <- Y
        Y        <- if(is.null(Y.orig) ) {Y <- rep(0,length(Tr))} else {Y <- Y.orig}
        if (is.null(Group)){
        	Group<-rep(1, length(Tr))
        Gmax <- length(unique(Group))#dim(table((Group)));
        if (Gmax==1){
        	warning("There is only one group or no group has been specified: same output of Match")

        # Split the data set according to the Group variable
        Y2   <- split(Y, Group)
        Tr2  <- split(Tr, Group)
        X2   <- split(as.data.frame(X), Group);X2<-sapply(X2,as.matrix,simplify=FALSE)
        W2  <- split(weights, Group)
        # Initialize results
        B <- NULL
        # define index of group cumulated frequencies       
        Index <- as.numeric(c(0, cumsum(table(Group))))
        for (i in 1:Gmax){
        # calculate Caliper for the Match function: 
        # it is a fixed proportion of the OVERALL sd of each variable
               if (is.null(caliper)) intcaliper[i]  <- NULL
               if (!is.null(caliper)) {
             intcaliper <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = ncol(X))
               for (j in 1:ncol(X)) {
        	    mnX    <- sum(X[, j] * weights)/sum(weights)
                stdX   <- sqrt(sum((X[, j] - mnX)^2)/sum(weights))
                meanX2 <- sum(X2[[i]][, j] * W2[[i]])/sum(W2[[i]])
                sdX2   <- sqrt(sum((X2[[i]][, j] - meanX2)^2)/sum(W2[[i]]))
                intcaliper[j] <- caliper * stdX/sdX2
          # Match within clusters 
          b <- Match(Y =Y2[[i]] , Tr = Tr2[[i]], X = X2[[i]], 
          estimand=estimand,M=M,exact=exact,caliper= intcaliper,
          # Define the indexes in case of zero matches 
          if (is.na(b[1])) {
          	if (estimand=="ATT"){
          		b$index.dropped <- (1:length(Tr2[[i]]))[Tr2[[i]]==1]
            if (estimand=="ATC"){
            	b$index.dropped <- (1:length(Tr2[[i]]))[Tr2[[i]]==0]
            if (estimand=="ATE"){
                b$index.dropped <- (1:length(Tr2[[i]]))}
                b$index.control <- NULL
                b$index.treated <- NULL
                b$weights       <- NULL
  #        if (!is.null(names(b))) {
  #            b1.dropped <- b$index.dropped# this is NULL if no drops
  #        }
          # Update indexes of matches
          B$index.control <- 
          c(B$index.control, b$index.control + Index[i])
          B$index.treated <- 
          c(B$index.treated, b$index.treated + Index[i])
          B$index.dropped <- 
          c(B$index.dropped, b$index.dropped + Index[i])
          B$weights <- c(B$weights, b$weights)  

        # Estimate the ATT
        B$est <-
        sum((Y[B$index.treated] - Y[B$index.control])*B$weights)/sum(B$weights)
        # Define the covariance and estimate the ATT (model) SE
        m0 <- 
        lm(c(Y[B$index.control], Y[B$index.treat]) ~ c(Tr[B$index.control], Tr[B$index.treat]), weights = c(B$weights, B$weights))
        m0.vcovCL <- 
        cluster.vcov(m0, c(Group[B$index.control], Group[B$index.treat]))
        B$se <- if(is.null(Y.orig)){B$se<-"NULL"}else{B$se<-coeftest(m0, m0.vcovCL)[4]}
        # the matched datasets
         mdata <- list()
              mdata$Y  <- c(Y[B$index.treated], Y[B$index.control])
              mdata$Tr <- c(Tr[B$index.treated], Tr[B$index.control])
              mdata$X  <- rbind(X[B$index.treated, ], X[B$index.control, ])
                #descriptive stats general
        # the original number of observations in the dataset:
        B$orig.nobs   <- length(Tr)
        # the original number of weighted observations in the dataset:
        B$orig.wnobs <- sum(weights)
        # the original number of treated observations in the dataset:
        B$orig.treated.nobs <- sum(Tr==1)
        B$orig.control.nobs <- sum(Tr==0)
        # the number of weighted observations in the dataset:
        B$wnobs <- sum(B$weights) 
        #the caliper used. This caliper is interpreted standard deviation units of the pooled dataset
        # the internal caliper used
        # the value of the exact argument
        B$exact <- b$exact
        # the number of matches dropped either because of the caliper or exact option
        if (estimand == "ATT") {
        actual.drops <- B$orig.weighted.treated.nobs - B$wnobs }
    else if (estimand == "ATC") {
        actual.drops <- B$orig.wnobs - B$wnobs}
    else {
        actual.drops <- (B$orig.wnobs - B$orig.weighted.treated.nobs) - 
            B$wnobs }
        B$ndrops <- actual.drops #sum(B$weights[B$index.dropped])??
        B$ndrops.matches <- length(B$index.dropped)
        # the estimated parameter
        B$estimand <- b$estimand
        #descriptive stats by group
        # the original number of treated observations by group in the dataset:
        # the original number of control observations by group in the dataset:
        # the number of dropped observations by group in the matched dataset:
        # B$orig.dropped.nobs.by.group<-orig.ndrops.by.group[names(table(Group))]
         orig.ndrops.by.group<-0*table(Group)+ B$orig.ndrops.by.group[names(table(Group))]
        # Some extra info
        #B$MatchLoopC = b$MatchLoopC
        #return output
        #class(B) <- c("Match","CMatch")
        class(B)    <- c("CMatch","Match")


MatchPW<-function(Y=NULL, Tr, X, Group=NULL,estimand="ATT",M=1, exact=NULL,caliper=0.25,replace=TRUE,ties=TRUE,weights=NULL,...) 
# Match units first within cluster (defined by the variable Group) and then match the unmatched between clusters.

# check missing arguments	
  if (replace==FALSE)
#  {warning("Match preferential within not possible with replace==FALSE. Resetting to the default, which is TRUE")}
    {warning("You chose replace==FALSE. This means that all controls matched within will not be available in the preferential step. Note however that during the preferential step units are matched WITH replacement")}
     if (is.null(weights)) {
     	weights <- rep(1, length(Tr))} else {
        weights <- as.double(weights)
     if(is.null(exact)) {exact<-FALSE}
            if (any(Group%%1==0)==FALSE & is.null(Group)==FALSE){
       	stop("The variable Group should be integer valued")
       	  if (is.unsorted(Group)==TRUE) { stop("The variable Group is not in ascending order. Please reorder the input (X,Tr,Y, Group) in ascending order of Group.")
       	  	  # ordg<-order(Group)
       	      # Group<-Group[ordg] ; Y<-Y[ordg]; Tr<-Tr[ordg] ; X<-as.matrix(as.matrix(X)[ordg,])
       	  if (is.null(Group)){
        	Group<-rep(1, length(Tr))
        	Gmax <- length(unique(Group))#dim(table((Group)));
          if (Gmax==1){
        	warning("There is only one group or no group was specified: same output of Match")
# discriminate data with and without Y
 Y.orig  <- Y
 Y        <- if(is.null(Y.orig)){Y<-rep(0,length(Tr))}else{Y<-Y.orig}
 # first Match within
 MW<- MatchW(Y, Tr, X, Group,
     if (length(MW$index.dropped)==0){
     	warning("all treated units matched within group")
# then create dataset with unmatched within and remaining units in the opposite group
if (estimand=="ATT"){
	     if (replace==TRUE){indrem<- which(Tr==0)  }
	     if (replace==FALSE){indrem<-setdiff ( which(Tr==0), MW$index.control)  }
        X  <-  as.matrix(X)        
        #Yu  <-  c( Y[MW$index.dropped], Y[Tr==0])
       Yu<-c( Y[MW$index.dropped], Y[indrem])
         # Tru  <-  c(Tr[MW$index.dropped], Tr[Tr==0])
        Tru  <-  c(Tr[MW$index.dropped], Tr[indrem])
       #Xu  <-  rbind(as.matrix(X[c(MW$index.dropped),  ]),as.matrix(X[Tr==0, ]))
              Xu  <-  rbind(as.matrix(X[c(MW$index.dropped),  ]),as.matrix(X[indrem, ]))
       #Wu  <-  c(weights[MW$index.dropped], weights[Tr==0])
              Wu  <-  c(weights[MW$index.dropped], weights[indrem])

if (estimand=="ATC"){
		     if (replace==TRUE){indrem<- which(Tr==1)  }
	     if (replace==FALSE){indrem<-setdiff ( which(Tr==1), MW$index.treated)  }
        X  <-  as.matrix(X)        
       #Yu  <-  c( Y[MW$index.dropped], Y[Tr==1])
              Yu<-c( Y[MW$index.dropped], Y[indrem])
      #Tru  <-  c(Tr[MW$index.dropped], Tr[Tr==1])
             Tru  <-  c(Tr[MW$index.dropped], Tr[indrem])
      # Xu  <-  rbind(as.matrix(X[c(MW$index.dropped), ]),as.matrix(X[Tr==1, ]))
                     Xu  <-  rbind(as.matrix(X[c(MW$index.dropped),  ]),as.matrix(X[indrem, ]))
       #Wu  <-  c(weights[MW$index.dropped], weights[Tr==1])
                     Wu  <-  c(weights[MW$index.dropped], weights[indrem])
# calculate caliper

          # Match between
          btw <- Match(Y = Yu, Tr = Tru, X = Xu, weights=Wu,
          estimand=estimand,M=M,exact=exact,caliper= ucaliper,replace=TRUE,ties=ties)
           if (estimand=="ATE"){
         if (replace==TRUE){indrem<- which(Tr==0)  }
	     if (replace==FALSE){indrem<-setdiff ( which(Tr==0), MW$index.control)  }
   ind.unmatched.treated <-MW$index.dropped[Tr[MW$index.dropped]==1]
        X  <-  as.matrix(X)        
       #Yut  <-  c( Y[ind.unmatched.treated], Y[Tr==0])
     Yut<-c( Y[MW$index.dropped], Y[indrem])
      #Trut  <-  c(Tr[ind.unmatched.treated], Tr[Tr==0])
            Trut  <-  c(Tr[ind.unmatched.treated], Tr[indrem])
      # Xut  <-  rbind(as.matrix(X[c(ind.unmatched.treated), ]),as.matrix(X[Tr==0,]))
              Xut  <-  rbind(as.matrix(X[c(ind.unmatched.treated), ]),as.matrix(X[indrem,]))
      # Wut  <-  c(weights[ind.unmatched.treated], weights[Tr==0])       
              Wut  <-  c(weights[ind.unmatched.treated], weights[indrem]) 
                if (replace==TRUE){indrem<- which(Tr==1)  }
	     if (replace==FALSE){indrem<-setdiff ( which(Tr==1), MW$index.treated)  }
              #Yuc  <-  c( Y[ind.unmatched.controls], Y[Tr==1])
                            Yuc  <-  c( Y[ind.unmatched.controls], Y[indrem])
      #Truc  <-  c(Tr[ind.unmatched.controls], Tr[Tr==1])
            Truc  <-  c(Tr[ind.unmatched.controls], Tr[indrem])
       #Xuc  <-  rbind(as.matrix(X[c(ind.unmatched.controls), ]),as.matrix(X[Tr==1,]))
              Xuc  <-  rbind(as.matrix(X[c(ind.unmatched.controls), ]),as.matrix(X[indrem,]))
       #Wuc  <-  c(weights[ind.unmatched.controls], weights[Tr==1])      
              Wuc  <-  c(weights[ind.unmatched.controls], weights[indrem])    
       btwt <- Match(Y = Yut, Tr = Trut, X = Xut,weights=Wut, 
          estimand="ATT",exact=exact,caliper= ucaliper,replace=TRUE,ties=ties)
       btwc <- Match(Y = Yuc, Tr = Truc, X = Xuc, weights=Wuc,
          estimand="ATC",exact=exact,caliper= ucaliper,replace=TRUE,ties=ties)

# find index of matched between in case of no match

          if (is.na(btw[1])) {
              btw$index.dropped <- (1:length(MW$index.dropped))
              btw$index.control <- NULL
              btw$index.treated <- NULL
              btw$weights       <- NULL

# initialize ouput
        BB <- NULL 
# add indexes of matches between (from MW) to indexes of matches between
# aggiungo ad indici dei match within gli indici dei match between
 if (estimand=="ATT"){
       #   BB$index.control <- 
       #   c(MW$index.control, which(Tr==0)[btw$index.control-length(MW$index.dropped)])
            BB$index.control <- 
          c(MW$index.control, indrem[btw$index.control-length(MW$index.dropped)])
          BB$index.treated <- 
          c(MW$index.treated, MW$index.dropped[btw$index.treated])                   
          BB$index.dropped <- MW$index.dropped[btw$index.dropped]
          BB$weights <- c(MW$weights, btw$weights) 
 if (estimand=="ATC"){
          BB$index.control <- 
          c(MW$index.control, indrem[btw$index.control-length(MW$index.dropped)])
          BB$index.treated <- 
          c(MW$index.treated, MW$index.dropped[btw$index.control])                    
          BB$index.dropped <- MW$index.dropped[btw$index.dropped]
          BB$weights <- c(MW$weights, btw$weights) 
 if (estimand=="ATE"){
          BB$index.control <- c(MW$index.control, ind.unmatched.controls[btwc$index.control] )
          BB$index.treated <- c(MW$index.treated, ind.unmatched.treated[btwt$index.treated] )
          BB$index.dropped <- MW$index.dropped[c(btwt$index.dropped, btwc$index.dropped)]
          BB$weights       <- c(MW$weights[MW$index.treat], btwt$weights, MW$weights[MW$index.contr], btwc$weights)

# VALUE (output statistics)
        # dataset matchati
              mdata <- list()
              mdata$Y  <- c(Y[BB$index.treated], Y[BB$index.control])
              mdata$Tr <- c(Tr[BB$index.treated], Tr[BB$index.control])
              mdata$X  <- rbind(X[BB$index.treated, ], X[BB$index.control, ])
        # the causal estimand:
        BB$est <-
        sum((Y[BB$index.treated] - Y[BB$index.control])*BB$weights)/sum(BB$weights)
         if (estimand=="ATE"){
         BB$est <-
        sum((Y[BB$index.treated]*(c(MW$weights, btwt$weights))-Y[BB$index.control]*(c(MW$weights, btwc$weights))))/sum(c(MW$weights,sum(btwc$weights,btwt$weights)/2))        	
         if (estimand!="ATE"){
        # Define the covariance and estimate the ATT and its (model) SE
        m0 <- 
        lm(c(Y[BB$index.control], Y[BB$index.treat]) ~ c(Tr[BB$index.control], Tr[BB$index.treat]), weights=c(BB$weights, BB$weights))}
        if (estimand=="ATE"){
        # Define the covariance and estimate the ATT and its (model) SE
        m0 <- 
        lm(c(Y[BB$index.control], Y[BB$index.treat]) ~ c(Tr[BB$index.control], Tr[BB$index.treat]), weights=BB$weights)}
        m0.vcovCL <- 
        cluster.vcov(m0, c(Group[BB$index.control], Group[BB$index.treat]))
        #the model estimated standard error of the causal estimand:
        BB$se <- if(is.null(Y.orig)){BB$se<-"NULL"} else {BB$se<-coeftest(m0, m0.vcovCL)[4]};
# descriptive stats general

# the original number of observations in the dataset:
        BB$orig.nobs <- length(Tr)
# the original number of weighted observations in the dataset:
        BB$orig.wnobs <- sum(weights)
# the original number of treated observations in the dataset:
        BB$orig.treated.nobs <- sum(Tr==1)
# the original number of control observations in the dataset:
        BB$orig.control.nobs <- sum(Tr==0)
# the (weighted) number of observations in the matched dataset:
        BB$wnobs = sum(BB$weights) 
        # the caliper used (in global standard deviation units for each variable) 
        if (is.null(caliper))  BB$caliper <- NULL;
        if (!is.null(caliper)) BB$caliper <- caliper;
        BB$exact = MW$exact
# the number of matches which were dropped because of the exact or caliper options
     if (estimand == "ATT") {
        actual.drops <- BB$orig.weighted.treated.nobs - BB$wnobs }
    else if (estimand == "ATC") {
        actual.drops <- BB$orig.wnobs - BB$wnobs}
    else {
        actual.drops <- (BB$orig.wnobs - BB$orig.weighted.treated.nobs) - 
            BB$wnobs }
        BB$ndrops <- actual.drops 
        BB$ndrops.matches = length(BB$index.dropped)
# the estimated parameter
        BB$estimand = MW$estimand
# descriptive stats by group 
# the original number of treated observations by group in the dataset:  
         BB$orig.treated.nobs.by.group<- MW$orig.treated.nobs.by.group
# the original number of treated observations by group in the dataset:
        #BB$orig.control.nobs.by.group<- MW$orig.control.nobs.by.group
# the number of dropped observations by group after within group matching
# the numb. of dropped observations by group after preferential within group matching
         orig.dropped.nobs.by.group.after.pref.within<-0*table(Group)+ BB$orig.ndrops.by.group[names(table(Group))]
        # Some extra info
        #BB$MatchLoopC = MW$MatchLoopC
        #return output
#        class(BB)    <- c("Match","CMatch")
        class(BB)    <- c("CMatch","Match")

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CMatching documentation built on May 1, 2019, 11:30 p.m.