## ---- include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
# library(COAP)
# library(GFM)
## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
# n <- 200; p <- 200;
# d= 50
# rank0 <- 6;
# q = 5;
# datList <- gendata_simu(seed = 1, n=n, p=p, d= d, rank0 = rank0, q= q, rho=c(2, 2),
# sigma2_eps = 1)
# X_count <- datList$X; Z <- datList$Z
# H0 <- datList$H0; B0 <- datList$B0
# bbeta0 <- cbind( datList$mu0, datList$bbeta0)
## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
# hq <- 5; hr <- 6
# system.time({
# tic <- proc.time()
# reslist <- RR_COAP(X_count, Z= Z, q=hq, rank_use= hr, epsELBO = 1e-6)
# toc <- proc.time()
# time_coap <- toc[3] - tic[3]
# })
## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
# library(ggplot2)
# dat_iter <- data.frame(iter=1:length(reslist$ELBO_seq), ELBO=reslist$ELBO_seq)
# ggplot(data=dat_iter, aes(x=iter, y=ELBO)) + geom_line() + geom_point() + theme_bw(base_size = 20)
## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
# library(GFM)
# metricList <- list()
# metricList$COAP <- list()
# metricList$COAP$Tr_H <- measurefun(reslist$H, H0)
# metricList$COAP$Tr_B <- measurefun(reslist$B, B0)
# norm_vec <- function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2/ length(x)))
# metricList$COAP$err_bb <- norm_vec(reslist$bbeta-bbeta0)
# metricList$COAP$err_bb1 <- norm_vec(reslist$bbeta[,1]-bbeta0[,1])
# metricList$COAP$Time <- time_coap
## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
# metricList$LFM <- list()
# tic <- proc.time()
# fit_lfm <- Factorm(X_count, q=q)
# toc <- proc.time()
# time_lfm <- toc[3] - tic[3]
# hbb1 <- colMeans(X_count)
# metricList$LFM$Tr_H <- measurefun(fit_lfm$hH, H0)
# metricList$LFM$Tr_B <- measurefun(fit_lfm$hB, B0)
# metricList$LFM$err_bb1 <- norm_vec(hbb1- bbeta0[,1])
# metricList$LFM$err_bb <- NA
# metricList$LFM$Time <- time_lfm
## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
# metricList$PoissonPCA <- list()
# library(PoissonPCA)
# tic <- proc.time()
# fit_poispca <- Poisson_Corrected_PCA(X_count, k= hq)
# toc <- proc.time()
# time_ppca <- toc[3] - tic[3]
# hbb1 <- colMeans(X_count)
# metricList$PoissonPCA$Tr_H <- measurefun(fit_poispca$scores, H0)
# metricList$PoissonPCA$Tr_B <- measurefun(fit_poispca$loadings, B0)
# metricList$PoissonPCA$err_bb1 <- norm_vec(log(1+fit_poispca$center)- bbeta0[,1])
# metricList$PoissonPCA$err_bb <- NA
# metricList$PoissonPCA$Time <- time_ppca
## ----eval =FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
# ## ZIPFA runs very slowly, so we do not run it here.
# library(ZIPFA)
# metricList$ZIPFA <- list()
# system.time(
# tic <- proc.time()
# fit_zipfa <- ZIPFA(X_count, k=hq, display = FALSE)
# toc <- proc.time()
# time_zipfa <- toc[3] - tic[3]
# )
# idx_max_like <- which.max(fit_zipfa$Likelihood)
# hbb1 <- colMeans(X_count)
# metricList$ZIPFA$Tr_H <- measurefun(fit_zipfa$Ufit[[idx_max_like]], H0)
# metricList$ZIPFA$Tr_B <- measurefun(fit_zipfa$Vfit[[idx_max_like]], B0)
# metricList$PoissonPCA$Time <- time_zipfa
## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
# metricList$GFM <- list()
# tic <- proc.time()
# fit_gfm <- gfm(list(X_count), type='poisson', q= q, verbose = F)
# toc <- proc.time()
# time_gfm <- toc[3] - tic[3]
# metricList$GFM$Tr_H <- measurefun(fit_gfm$hH, H0)
# metricList$GFM$Tr_B <- measurefun(fit_gfm$hB, B0)
# metricList$GFM$err_bb1 <- norm_vec(fit_gfm$hmu- bbeta0[,1])
# metricList$GFM$err_bb <- NA
# metricList$GFM$Time <- time_gfm
## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
# PLNPCA_run <- function(X_count, covariates, q, Offset=rep(1, nrow(X_count))){
# require(PLNmodels)
# if(!is.character(Offset)){
# dat_plnpca <- prepare_data(X_count, covariates)
# dat_plnpca$Offset <- Offset
# }else{
# dat_plnpca <- prepare_data(X_count, covariates, offset = Offset)
# }
# d <- ncol(covariates)
# # offset(log(Offset))+
# formu <- paste0("Abundance ~ 1 + offset(log(Offset))+",paste(paste0("V",1:d), collapse = '+'))
# myPCA <- PLNPCA(as.formula(formu), data = dat_plnpca, ranks = q)
# myPCA1 <- getBestModel(myPCA)
# myPCA1$scores
# res_plnpca <- list(PCs= myPCA1$scores, bbeta= myPCA1$model_par$B,
# loadings=myPCA1$model_par$C)
# return(res_plnpca)
# }
# tic <- proc.time()
# fit_plnpca <- PLNPCA_run(X_count, covariates = Z[,-1], q= q)
# toc <- proc.time()
# time_plnpca <- toc[3] - tic[3]
# message(time_plnpca, " seconds")
# metricList$PLNPCA$Tr_H <- measurefun(fit_plnpca$PCs, H0)
# metricList$PLNPCA$Tr_B <- measurefun(fit_plnpca$loadings, B0)
# metricList$PLNPCA$err_bb1 <- norm_vec(fit_plnpca$bbeta[,1]- bbeta0[,1])
# metricList$PLNPCA$err_bb <- norm_vec(as.vector(fit_plnpca$bbeta) - as.vector(bbeta0))
# metricList$PLNPCA$Time <- time_plnpca
## ----eval =FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
# ## GLLVM runs very slowly, so we do not run it here.
# library(gllvm)
# colnames(Z) <- c(paste0("V",1: ncol(Z)))
# tic <- proc.time()
# fit <- gllvm(y=X_count, X=Z, family=poisson(), q, control = list(trace=T))
# toc <- proc.time()
# time_gllvm <- toc[3] - tic[3]
# metricList$GLLVM <- list()
# metricList$GLLVM$Tr_H <- measurefun(fit$lvs, H0)
# metricList$GLLVM$Tr_B <- measurefun(fit$params$theta, B0)
# metricList$GLLVM$err_bb1 <- norm_vec(fit$params$beta0- bbeta0[,1])
# metricList$GLLVM$err_bb <- norm_vec(as.vector(cbind(fit$params$beta0,fit$params$Xcoef)) - as.vector(bbeta0))
# metricList$GLLVM$Time <- time_gllvm
# }
## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
# PoisReg <- function(X_count, covariates){
# library(stats)
# hbbeta <- apply(X_count, 2, function(x){
# glm1 <- glm(x~covariates+0, family = "poisson")
# coef(glm1)
# } )
# return(t(hbbeta))
# }
# tic <- proc.time()
# hbbeta_poisreg <- PoisReg(X_count, Z)
# toc <- proc.time()
# time_poisreg <- toc[3] - tic[3]
# metricList$GLM <- list()
# metricList$GLM$Tr_H <- NA
# metricList$GLM$Tr_B <- NA
# metricList$GLM$err_bb1 <- norm_vec(hbbeta_poisreg[,1]- bbeta0[,1])
# metricList$GLM$err_bb <- norm_vec(as.vector(hbbeta_poisreg) - as.vector(bbeta0))
# metricList$GLM$Time <- time_poisreg
## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
# mrrr_run <- function(Y, X, rank0, q=NULL, family=list(poisson()), familygroup=rep(1,ncol(Y))){
# require(rrpack)
# n <- nrow(Y); p <- ncol(Y)
# if(!is.null(q)){
# rank0 <- rank0+q
# X <- cbind(X, diag(n))
# }
# svdX0d1 <- svd(X)$d[1]
# init1 = list(kappaC0 = svdX0d1 * 5) ## this setting follows the example that authors provided.
# fit.mrrr <- mrrr(Y=Y, X=X[,-1], family = family, familygroup = familygroup,
# penstr = list(penaltySVD = "rankCon", lambdaSVD = 0.1),
# init = init1, maxrank = rank0)
# hbbeta_mrrr <-t(fit.mrrr$coef[1:ncol(Z), ])
# if(!is.null(q)){
# Theta_hb <- (fit.mrrr$coef[(ncol(Z)+1): (nrow(Z)+ncol(Z)), ])
# svdTheta <- svd(Theta_hb, nu=q, nv=q)
# return(list(hbbeta=hbbeta_mrrr, factor=svdTheta$u, loading=svdTheta$v))
# }else{
# return(list(hbbeta=hbbeta_mrrr))
# }
# }
# tic <- proc.time()
# res_mrrrz <- mrrr_run(X_count, Z, rank0)
# toc <- proc.time()
# time_mrrrz <- toc[3] - tic[3]
# metricList$MRRR_Z <- list()
# metricList$MRRR_Z$Tr_H <- NA
# metricList$MRRR_Z$Tr_B <-NA
# metricList$MRRR_Z$err_bb1 <- norm_vec(res_mrrrz$hbbeta[,1]- bbeta0[,1])
# metricList$MRRR_Z$err_bb <- norm_vec(as.vector(res_mrrrz$hbbeta) - as.vector(bbeta0))
# metricList$MRRR_Z$Time <- time_mrrrz
## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
# tic <- proc.time()
# res_mrrrf <- mrrr_run(X_count, Z, rank0, q=q)
# toc <- proc.time()
# time_mrrrf <- toc[3] - tic[3]
# metricList$MRRR_F <- list()
# metricList$MRRR_F$Tr_H <- measurefun(res_mrrrf$factor, H0)
# metricList$MRRR_F$Tr_B <- measurefun(res_mrrrf$loading, B0)
# metricList$MRRR_F$err_bb1 <- norm_vec(res_mrrrf$hbbeta[,1]- bbeta0[,1])
# metricList$MRRR_F$err_bb <- norm_vec(as.vector(res_mrrrf$hbbeta) - as.vector(bbeta0))
# metricList$MRRR_F$Time <- time_mrrrf
## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
# list2vec <- function(xlist){
# nn <- length(xlist)
# me <- rep(NA, nn)
# idx_noNA <- which(sapply(xlist, function(x) !is.null(x)))
# for(r in idx_noNA) me[r] <- xlist[[r]]
# return(me)
# }
# dat_metric <- data.frame(Tr_H = sapply(metricList, function(x) x$Tr_H),
# Tr_B = sapply(metricList, function(x) x$Tr_B),
# err_bb1 =sapply(metricList, function(x) x$err_bb1),
# err_bb = list2vec(lapply(metricList, function(x) x[['err_bb']])),
# Method = names(metricList))
# dat_metric
## ----eval = FALSE, fig.width=9, fig.height=6----------------------------------
# library(cowplot)
# p1 <- ggplot(data=subset(dat_metric, !, aes(x= Method, y=Tr_B, fill=Method)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + xlab(NULL) + scale_x_discrete(breaks=NULL) + theme_bw(base_size = 16)
# p2 <- ggplot(data=subset(dat_metric, !, aes(x= Method, y=Tr_H, fill=Method)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + xlab(NULL) + scale_x_discrete(breaks=NULL)+ theme_bw(base_size = 16)
# p3 <- ggplot(data=subset(dat_metric, !, aes(x= Method, y=err_bb1, fill=Method)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + xlab(NULL) + scale_x_discrete(breaks=NULL)+ theme_bw(base_size = 16)
# p4 <- ggplot(data=subset(dat_metric, !, aes(x= Method, y=err_bb, fill=Method)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + xlab(NULL) + scale_x_discrete(breaks=NULL)+ theme_bw(base_size = 16)
# plot_grid(p1,p2,p3, p4, nrow=2, ncol=2)
## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
# datList <- gendata_simu(seed = 1, n=n, p=p, d= d, rank0 = rank0, q= q, rho=c(3, 6),
# sigma2_eps = 1)
# X_count <- datList$X; Z <- datList$Z
# res1 <- selectParams(X_count=datList$X, Z=datList$Z, verbose=F)
# print(c(q_true=q, q_est=res1['hq']))
# print(c(r_true=rank0, r_est=res1['hr']))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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