Man pages for COveR
Clustering with Overlaps

as.array.intervalConverts an interval object to an array representation. an interval object to a data frame representation.
as.intervalA generic function to convert various R objects into interval...
as.interval.arrayConverts an array to an interval object.
as.interval.defaultProvides a default method for converting unsupported data...
as.interval.intervalIdentity Conversion for Interval
as.interval.matrixConverts a matrix to an interval object.
as.interval.numericConverts a numeric vector to an interval object.
as.matrix.intervalConverts an interval object to a matrix representation.
as.vector.intervalConverts an interval object to its vector representation.
cluster_colorGenerate Colors for Clustering Visualization
degree2logicalTransforms a matrix of membership degrees into a logical...
fuzzy_icmeansPerforms fuzzy c-means clustering on interval data, allowing...
iaggregateAggregates data into a 3D interval array based on a specified...
ibindCombines multiple interval objects into a single interval...
igenerateCreates intervals from Normal Distribution using specified...
ikmeansPerforms k-means clustering on interval data, allowing for...
ineokmPerforms clustering on interval data using the Neo-KM...
inter_cityTemperature by month and humidity in european city.
inter_emotionsEmotions in music aggregate on BPM to interval multi label...
inter_wineResults of a chemical analysis of wines grown in the same...
iokmClusters interval data using the OKM (Overlapping K-means)...
is.intervalDetermines if an object is a strictly valid interval object.
measurePlots the overlap of membership degrees in a matrix as a...
neokmClusters data using the NEOKM (Non-Exhaustive Overlapping...
okmClusters data using the OKM (Overlapping K-Means) clustering...
plot.intervalGenerates a visual representation of interval data as...
print.icmeansDisplays the results of fuzzy icmeans clustering in a...
print.ikmeansDisplays the results of ikmeans clustering in a readable...
print.ineokmDisplays the results of Neo-KM clustering in a user-friendly...
print.intervalCustom print method for displaying interval objects in a...
print.iokmDisplays the results of IOKM clustering in a user-friendly...
print.neokmDisplays the results of NEOKM clustering in a user-friendly...
print.okmDisplays the results of OKM clustering in a readable format.
print.r1okmDisplays the results of R1-OKM clustering in a readable...
print.r2okmDisplays the results of R2-OKM clustering in a readable...
r1okmCluster data using the R1-OKM algorithm.
r2okmCluster data using the R2-OKM algorithm.
read.intervalReads a CSV file and converts the data into a 3D interval...
write.intervalWrites an interval object to a CSV file.
COveR documentation built on Oct. 30, 2024, 9:28 a.m.