Man pages for CR2
Compute Cluster Robust Standard Errors with Degrees of Freedom Adjustments

clustSECluster robust standard errors with degrees of freedom...
crctSimulated data from 18 schools (from a cluster randomized...
getVGet V matrix for merMod objects
glance.CR2Glance at goodness-of-fit statistics
gpadatGrade point average (GPA) data of students from 25 schools
MatSqrtInverseCompute the inverse square root of a matrix
ncvMLMTesting for nonconstant variance (ncv)
pipePipe operator
robust_mixedCluster robust standard errors with degrees of freedom...
satdfCompute Satterthwaite degrees of freedom
sch25Data from 25 schools (based on the NELS dataset)
sharedatData from Project SHARE
tidy.CR2Tidy a CR2 object
CR2 documentation built on Jan. 10, 2023, 1:11 a.m.