Man pages for CSIndicators
Climate Services' Indicators Based on Sub-Seasonal to Decadal Predictions

AbsToProbsTransform ensemble forecast into probabilities
AccumulationExceedingThresholdAccumulation of a variable when Exceeding (not exceeding) a...
CST_AbsToProbsTransform ensemble forecast into probabilities
CST_AccumulationExceedingThresholdAccumulation of a variable when Exceeding (not exceeding) a...
CST_MergeRefToExpMerge a Reference To Experiments
CST_PeriodAccumulationPeriod Accumulation on 's2dv_cube' objects
CST_PeriodMaxPeriod Max on 's2dv_cube' objects
CST_PeriodMeanPeriod Mean on 's2dv_cube' objects
CST_PeriodMinPeriod Min on 's2dv_cube' objects
CST_PeriodPETCompute the Potential Evapotranspiration
CST_PeriodStandardizationCompute the Standardization of...
CST_PeriodVariancePeriod Variance on 's2dv_cube' objects
CST_QThresholdTransform an absolute threshold into probabilities
CST_SelectPeriodOnDataSelect a period on Data on 's2dv_cube' objects
CST_ThresholdAbsolute value of a relative threshold (percentile)
CST_TotalSpellTimeExceedingThresholdTotal Spell Time Exceeding Threshold
CST_TotalTimeExceedingThresholdTotal Time of a variable Exceeding (not exceeding) a...
CST_WindCapacityFactorWind capacity factor on s2dv_cube objects
CST_WindPowerDensityWind power density on s2dv_cube objects
MergeRefToExpMerge a Reference To Experiments
PeriodAccumulationPeriod Accumulation on multidimensional array objects
PeriodMaxPeriod max on multidimensional array objects
PeriodMeanPeriod Mean on multidimensional array objects
PeriodMinPeriod Min on multidimensional array objects
PeriodPETCompute the Potential Evapotranspiration
PeriodStandardizationCompute the Standardization of...
PeriodVariancePeriod Variance on multidimensional array objects
QThresholdTransform an absolute threshold into probabilities
SelectPeriodOnDataSelect a period on Data on multidimensional array objects
SelectPeriodOnDatesSelect a period on Dates
ThresholdAbsolute value of a relative threshold (percentile)
TotalSpellTimeExceedingThresholdTotal Spell Time Exceeding Threshold
TotalTimeExceedingThresholdTotal Time of a variable Exceeding (not exceeding) a...
WindCapacityFactorWind capacity factor
WindPowerDensityWind power density on multidimensional array objects
CSIndicators documentation built on Nov. 20, 2023, 5:07 p.m.