PlotMostLikelyQuantileMap: Plot Maps of Most Likely Quantiles

View source: R/PlotMostLikelyQuantileMap.R

PlotMostLikelyQuantileMapR Documentation

Plot Maps of Most Likely Quantiles


This function receives as main input (via the parameter probs) a collection of longitude-latitude maps, each containing the probabilities (from 0 to 1) of the different grid cells of belonging to a category. As many categories as maps provided as inputs are understood to exist. The maps of probabilities must be provided on a common rectangular regular grid, and a vector with the longitudes and a vector with the latitudes of the grid must be provided. The input maps can be provided in two forms, either as a list of multiple two-dimensional arrays (one for each category) or as a three-dimensional array, where one of the dimensions corresponds to the different categories.


  cat_dim = "bin",
  bar_titles = NULL,
  col_unknown_cat = "white",
  drawleg = T,



A list of bi-dimensional arrays with the named dimensions 'latitude' (or 'lat') and 'longitude' (or 'lon'), with equal size and in the same order, or a single tri-dimensional array with an additional dimension (e.g. 'bin') for the different categories. The arrays must contain probability values between 0 and 1, and the probabilities for all categories of a grid cell should not exceed 1 when added.


A numeric vector with the longitudes of the map grid, in the same order as the values along the corresponding dimension in probs.


A numeric vector with the latitudes of the map grid, in the same order as the values along the corresponding dimension in probs.


The name of the dimension along which the different categories are stored in probs. This only applies if probs is provided in the form of 3-dimensional array. The default expected name is 'bin'.


Vector of character strings with the names to be drawn on top of the color bar for each of the categories. As many titles as categories provided in probs must be provided.


Character string with a colour representation of the colour to be used to paint the cells for which no category can be clearly assigned. Takes the value 'white' by default.


Where to draw the common colour bar. Can take values TRUE, FALSE or:
'up', 'u', 'U', 'top', 't', 'T', 'north', 'n', 'N'
'down', 'd', 'D', 'bottom', 'b', 'B', 'south', 's', 'S' (default)
'right', 'r', 'R', 'east', 'e', 'E'
'left', 'l', 'L', 'west', 'w', 'W'


Additional parameters to be sent to PlotCombinedMap and PlotEquiMap.


Veronica Torralba,, Nicolau Manubens,

See Also

PlotCombinedMap and PlotEquiMap


# Simple example
x <- array(1:(20 * 10), dim = c(lat = 10, lon = 20)) / 200
a <- x * 0.6
b <- (1 - x) * 0.6
c <- 1 - (a + b)
lons <- seq(0, 359.5, length = 20)
lats <- seq(-89.5, 89.5, length = 10)
## Not run: 
PlotMostLikelyQuantileMap(list(a, b, c), lons, lats, 
                         toptitle = 'Most likely tercile map',
                         bar_titles = paste('% of belonging to', c('a', 'b', 'c')), 
                         brks = 20, width = 10, height = 8)

## End(Not run)

# More complex example
n_lons <- 40
n_lats <- 20
n_timesteps <- 100
n_bins <- 4

# 1. Generation of sample data
lons <- seq(0, 359.5, length = n_lons)
lats <- seq(-89.5, 89.5, length = n_lats)

# This function builds a 3-D gaussian at a specified point in the map.
make_gaussian <- function(lon, sd_lon, lat, sd_lat) {
 w <- outer(lons, lats, function(x, y) dnorm(x, lon, sd_lon) * dnorm(y, lat, sd_lat))
 min_w <- min(w)
 w <- w - min_w
 w <- w / max(w)
 w <- t(w)
 names(dim(w)) <- c('lat', 'lon')

# This function generates random time series (with values ranging 1 to 5) 
# according to 2 input weights.
gen_data <- function(w1, w2, n) {
 r <- sample(1:5, n, 
             prob = c(.05, .9 * w1, .05, .05, .9 * w2), 
             replace = TRUE)
 r <- r + runif(n, -0.5, 0.5)
 dim(r) <- c(time = n)

# We build two 3-D gaussians.
w1 <- make_gaussian(120, 80, 20, 30)
w2 <- make_gaussian(260, 60, -10, 40)

# We generate sample data (with dimensions time, lat, lon) according 
# to the generated gaussians
sample_data <- multiApply::Apply(list(w1, w2), NULL, 
                                gen_data, n = n_timesteps)$output1

# 2. Binning sample data
prob_thresholds <- 1:n_bins / n_bins
prob_thresholds <- prob_thresholds[1:(n_bins - 1)]
thresholds <- quantile(sample_data, prob_thresholds)

binning <- function(x, thresholds) {
 n_samples <- length(x)
 n_bins <- length(thresholds) + 1

 thresholds <- c(thresholds, max(x))
 result <- 1:n_bins
 lower_threshold <- min(x) - 1
 for (i in 1:n_bins) {
   result[i] <- sum(x > lower_threshold & x <= thresholds[i]) / n_samples
   lower_threshold <- thresholds[i]

 dim(result) <- c(bin = n_bins)

bins <- multiApply::Apply(sample_data, 'time', binning, thresholds)$output1

# 3. Plotting most likely quantile/bin
## Not run: 
PlotMostLikelyQuantileMap(bins, lons, lats, 
                         toptitle = 'Most likely quantile map',
                         bar_titles = paste('% of belonging to', letters[1:n_bins]),
                         mask = 1 - (w1 + w2 / max(c(w1, w2))), 
                         brks = 20, width = 10, height = 8)

## End(Not run)

CSTools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:21 a.m.