Man pages for CUFF
Charles's Utility Function using Formula

cfExtract and format coefficients table
clipSend to clipboard
corrBivariate correlations
ftabFonctions pour ajouter les pourcentages dans les tables
meansdfunction to compute mean and sd into a single string
pal_CUFFPalette de couleurs
printcrossCrosstabs print methods
pvFormat p-values
strutilUtility functions to treat characters
sum.nsum weighted on the number of non-missing values
to_csvExport into a csv file with a format csv companions for...
viewview methods
xfMethods that apply a function across a levels of one or more...
xtabCrosstabulations using formula
xybothUtility function to match 2 indices
CUFF documentation built on March 31, 2023, 6:46 p.m.