Man pages for CVTuningCov
Regularized Estimators of Covariance Matrices with CV Tuning

AR1Covariance Matrix with AR(1) Structure
bandingA Banding Operator on A Matrix
CVTuningCov-packageSelect Tuning Parameters based on CV in Regularized...
F.norm2The Squared Frobenius Norm
hard.thresholdingHard-thresholding Operator on A Covariance Matrix
L2.norm2The Squared Operator Norm
random.CVSelect Tuning Parameter for Regularized Covariance Matrix by...
regular.CVSelect Tuning Parameter for Regularized Covariance Matrix by...
soft.thresholdingSoft-thresholding Operator on A Covariance Matrix
taperingA Tapering Operator on A Matrix
CVTuningCov documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:23 a.m.