Man pages for CarletonStats
Functions for Statistics Classes at Carleton College

anovaSummarizedAnova F test
bootCorBootstrap the correlation
bootPairedBootstrap paired data
bootSlopeBootstrap the slope of a simple linear regression line
CarletonStats-packageCarletonStats: Functions for Statistics Classes at Carleton...
confintCalculate a CI from a 'carlboot' object
confIntDemoConfidence Interval Demonstration
corDemoCorrelation demonstration
groupedBarGrouped bar chart
IcecreamIce cream data
MilkshakesMilkshakes (chocolate) Nutrional information on chocolate...
missingLevelMissing observations in factors
permTestPermutation test
permTestAnovaPermutation test for ANOVA F-test
permTestCorPermutation test for the correlation of two variables.
permTestPairedPermutation test for paired data.
permTestSlopePermutation test for the Slope
plotPlot the bootstrap distribution in 'carlboot' object
printPrint a summary of an 'carlboot' object
qqPlotDemoDemonstration of the normal qq-plot.
states03US government data, 2003
stemPlotStem and leaf plot
summaryPrint a summary of an 'carlboot' object
CarletonStats documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 5:06 p.m.