Man pages for ChemoSpecUtils
Functions Supporting Packages ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D

check4GapsCheck for Discontinuities (Gaps) in a Vector & Optionally...
checkForPackageWithVersionCheck for an Installed Package with a Particular Version or...
ChemoSpecUtils-packageFunctions Supporting Packages ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D
chkGraphicsOptCheck the Graphic Output Option/Mode
chkSpectraVerify the Integrity of a Spectra or Spectra2D Object
colorSymbolColor in ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D
conColSchemeChange the Color Scheme of a Spectra or Spectra2D Object
dot-addEllipseInfoAdd Info About Ellipses to Plot
dot-addLegendAdd a Legend to a Plot
dot-addMethodAdd Info About Data Reduction Method to Plot
dot-chkArgsCheck spectra and pca Arguments of Functions That Require...
dot-chkReqGraphicsPkgsVerify Required Graphics Packages are Available.
dot-colLeafColor the Leaves of a Dendrogram Based on a Spectra Object
dot-computeEllipsesCompute Confidence Ellipses
dot-distPlotDraw a Distance Plot
dot-drawEllipsesAdd Ellipses to Plot
dot-drawPointsAdd Points to a Score Plot
dot-extraDataCheck for Extra Data Appended to a Spectra or Spectra2D...
dot-findNAFind NA in a Spectra2D Object
dot-getLimitsProcess Limits for a Spectra2D Plot
dot-getVarExplainedCompute the Variance Explained from PCA or Other Reduction...
dot-ggAddLegendAdd Legend to a ggplot2 Plot
dot-ggAnnotateAnnotate a ggplot2 Plot with Text
dot-ggRepelWrapper for geom_text_repel
dot-groupNcolorAssign Group Membership and Colors for a Spectra or Spectra2D...
dot-labelExtremesLabel Extreme Values
dot-plotHCAPlot Dendrogram for Spectra or Spectra2D Object
dot-prepLegendCoordsSanitize Legend Coordinates
dot-remGrpSamRemove Groups or Samples from a Spectra or Spectra2D Object
dot-shrinkLeafShrink the Leaves of a Dendrogram Based on a Spectra Object
GraphicsOptionsGraphic Output Options in ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D
hcaScoresHCA on PCA/MIA/PARAFAC scores from a Spectra or Spectra2D...
plotScoresPlot Scores from PCA, MIA or PARAFAC Analysis of a Spectra or...
plotScreeScree Plots from PCA or MIA Analysis of a Spectra or...
removeFreqRemove Frequencies from a Spectra or Spectra2D Object
removeGroupRemove a Group from a Spectra or Spectra2D Object
removeSampleRemove Samples from a Spectra or Spectra2D Object
rowDistCompute Distance Between Rows of a Matrix
sampleDistCompute the Distances Between Samples in a Spectra or...
sumGroupsSummarize the Group Membership of a Spectra or Spectra2D...
sumSpectraSummarize a Spectra or Spectra2D Object
updateGroupsUpdate Group Names in a Spectra or Spectra2D Object
ChemoSpecUtils documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:12 a.m.