
Defines functions .onUnload rPseudoWishart rGenInvWishart rInvWishart rInvCholWishart rCholWishart

Documented in rCholWishart rGenInvWishart rInvCholWishart rInvWishart rPseudoWishart

#   wishart.R
#   CholWishart: Sample the Cholesky Factor of the Wishart and Other Functions
#   Copyright (C) 2018  GZ Thompson <gzthompson@gmail.com>
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
#   https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/

#' Cholesky Factor of Random Wishart Distributed Matrices
#' @description Generate n random matrices, distributed according
#'     to the Cholesky factorization of a Wishart distribution with
#'     parameters \code{Sigma} and \code{df}, \eqn{W_p(Sigma, df)}
#'     (known as the Bartlett decomposition
#'     in the context of Wishart random matrices).
#' @param n integer sample size.
#' @param df numeric parameter, "degrees of freedom".
#' @param Sigma positive definite \eqn{p \times p}{(p * p)} "scale" matrix,
#'              the matrix parameter of the distribution.
#' @return a numeric array, say \code{R}, of dimension
#'    \eqn{p \times p \times n}{p * p * n},
#'    where each \code{R[,,i]} is a Cholesky decomposition of a sample
#'    from the Wishart distribution \eqn{W_p(Sigma, df)}. Based on a
#'    modification of the existing code for the \code{rWishart} function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{rWishart}}, \code{\link{rInvCholWishart}}
#' @references
#' Anderson, T. W. (2003). \emph{An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical
#' Analysis} (3rd ed.).
#' Hoboken, N. J.: Wiley Interscience.
#' Mardia, K. V., J. T. Kent, and J. M. Bibby (1979)
#' \emph{Multivariate Analysis},
#' London: Academic Press.
#' A. K. Gupta and D. K. Nagar 1999. \emph{Matrix variate distributions}.
#' Chapman and Hall.
#' @useDynLib CholWishart, .registration = TRUE
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # How it is parameterized:
#' set.seed(20180211)
#' A <- rCholWishart(1L, 10, 3 * diag(5L))[, , 1]
#' A
#' set.seed(20180211)
#' B <- rInvCholWishart(1L, 10, 1 / 3 * diag(5L))[, , 1]
#' B
#' crossprod(A) %*% crossprod(B)
#' set.seed(20180211)
#' C <- chol(stats::rWishart(1L, 10, 3 * diag(5L))[, , 1])
#' C
rCholWishart <- function(n, df, Sigma) {
  sigma <- as.matrix(Sigma)
  dims <- dim(sigma)
  if (n < 1 || !(is.numeric(n))) {
    stop("'n' must be 1 or larger.")

  if (!is.numeric(df) || df < dims[1L]) {
    stop("inconsistent degrees of freedom and dimension")
  .Call("C_rCholWishart", n, df, sigma, PACKAGE = "CholWishart")

#' Cholesky Factor of Random Inverse Wishart Distributed Matrices
#' @description Generate n random matrices, distributed according
#'    to the Cholesky factor of an inverse Wishart distribution with
#'    parameters \code{Sigma} and \code{df}, \eqn{W_p(Sigma, df)}.
#'    Note there are different ways of parameterizing the Inverse
#'    Wishart distribution, so check which one you need.
#'     Here, if \eqn{X \sim IW_p(\Sigma, \nu)}{X ~ IW_p(Sigma, df)} then
#'     \eqn{X^{-1} \sim W_p(\Sigma^{-1}, \nu)}{X^{-1} ~ W_p(Sigma^{-1}, df)}.
#'     Dawid (1981) has a different definition: if
#'     \eqn{X \sim W_p(\Sigma^{-1}, \nu)}{X ~ W_p(Sigma^{-1}, df)} and
#'     \eqn{\nu > p - 1}{df > p - 1}, then
#'     \eqn{X^{-1} = Y \sim IW(\Sigma, \delta)}{X^{-1} = Y ~ IW(Sigma, delta)},
#'     where \eqn{\delta = \nu - p + 1}{delta = df - p + 1}.
#' @inheritParams rCholWishart
#' @return a numeric array, say \code{R}, of dimension
#' \eqn{p \times p \times n}{p * p * n},
#' where each \code{R[,,i]} is a Cholesky decomposition of a realization
#' of the Wishart distribution \eqn{W_p(Sigma, df)}.
#' Based on a modification of the existing code for the \code{rWishart} function
#' @seealso \code{\link{rWishart}} and \code{\link{rCholWishart}}
#' @references
#' Anderson, T. W. (2003).
#' \emph{An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis} (3rd ed.).
#' Hoboken, N. J.: Wiley Interscience.
#' Dawid, A. (1981). Some Matrix-Variate Distribution Theory:
#' Notational Considerations and a
#' Bayesian Application. \emph{Biometrika}, 68(1), 265-274.
#' \doi{10.2307/2335827}
#' Gupta, A. K.  and D. K. Nagar (1999). \emph{Matrix variate distributions}.
#' Chapman and Hall.
#' Mardia, K. V., J. T. Kent, and J. M. Bibby (1979)
#' \emph{Multivariate Analysis},
#' London: Academic Press.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # How it is parameterized:
#' set.seed(20180211)
#' A <- rCholWishart(1L, 10, 3 * diag(5L))[, , 1]
#' A
#' set.seed(20180211)
#' B <- rInvCholWishart(1L, 10, 1 / 3 * diag(5L))[, , 1]
#' B
#' crossprod(A) %*% crossprod(B)
#' set.seed(20180211)
#' C <- chol(stats::rWishart(1L, 10, 3 * diag(5L))[, , 1])
#' C
rInvCholWishart <- function(n, df, Sigma) {
  sigma <- as.matrix(Sigma)
  dims <- dim(sigma)
  if (n < 1 || !(is.numeric(n))) {
    stop("'n' must be 1 or larger.")

  if (!is.numeric(df) || df < dims[1L]) {
    stop("inconsistent degrees of freedom and dimension")
  .Call("C_rInvCholWishart", n, df, sigma, PACKAGE = "CholWishart")

#' Random Inverse Wishart Distributed Matrices
#' @description Generate n random matrices, distributed according
#'     to the inverse Wishart distribution with parameters \code{Sigma} and
#'     \code{df}, \eqn{W_p(Sigma, df)}.
#'    Note there are different ways of parameterizing the Inverse
#'    Wishart distribution, so check which one you need.
#'     Here, if \eqn{X \sim IW_p(\Sigma, \nu)}{X ~ IW_p(Sigma, df)} then
#'     \eqn{X^{-1} \sim W_p(\Sigma^{-1}, \nu)}{X^{-1} ~ W_p(Sigma^{-1}, df)}.
#'     Dawid (1981) has a different definition: if
#'     \eqn{X \sim W_p(\Sigma^{-1}, \nu)}{X ~ W_p(Sigma^{-1}, df)} and
#'     \eqn{\nu > p - 1}{df > p - 1}, then
#'     \eqn{X^{-1} = Y \sim IW(\Sigma, \delta)}{X^{-1} = Y ~ IW(Sigma, delta)},
#'     where \eqn{\delta = \nu - p + 1}{delta = df - p + 1}.
#' @inheritParams rCholWishart
#' @return a numeric array, say \code{R}, of dimension
#' \eqn{p \times p \times n}{p * p * n},
#' where each \code{R[,,i]} is a realization of the inverse Wishart distribution
#' \eqn{IW_p(Sigma, df)}.
#' Based on a modification of the existing code for the \code{rWishart}
#' function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{rWishart}}, \code{\link{rCholWishart}},
#' and \code{\link{rInvCholWishart}}
#' @references
#' Dawid, A. (1981). Some Matrix-Variate Distribution Theory:
#' Notational Considerations and a
#' Bayesian Application. \emph{Biometrika}, 68(1), 265-274.
#' \doi{10.2307/2335827}
#' Gupta, A. K.  and D. K. Nagar (1999). \emph{Matrix variate distributions}.
#' Chapman and Hall.
#' Mardia, K. V., J. T. Kent, and J. M. Bibby (1979)
#' \emph{Multivariate Analysis},
#' London: Academic Press.

#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(20180221)
#' A <- rInvWishart(1L, 10, 5 * diag(5L))[, , 1]
#' set.seed(20180221)
#' B <- stats::rWishart(1L, 10, .2 * diag(5L))[, , 1]
#' A %*% B
rInvWishart <- function(n, df, Sigma) {
  sigma <- as.matrix(Sigma)
  dims <- dim(sigma)
  if (n < 1 || !(is.numeric(n))) {
    stop("'n' must be 1 or larger.")

  if (!is.numeric(df) || df < dims[1L]) {
    stop("inconsistent degrees of freedom and dimension")
  .Call("C_rInvWishart", n, df, sigma, PACKAGE = "CholWishart")

#' Random Generalized Inverse Wishart Distributed Matrices
#' @description Generate n random matrices, distributed according
#' to the generalized inverse Wishart distribution with parameters
#' \code{Sigma} and \code{df}, \eqn{W_p(\Sigma, df)}{W_p(Sigma, df)},
#' with sample size \code{df} less than the dimension \code{p}.
#' Let \eqn{X_i}, \eqn{i = 1, 2, ..., df} be \code{df}
#' observations of a multivariate normal distribution with mean 0 and
#' covariance \code{Sigma}. Then \eqn{\sum X_i X_i'} is distributed as a pseudo
#' Wishart \eqn{W_p(\Sigma, df)}{W_p(Sigma, df)}. Sometimes this is called a
#' singular Wishart distribution, however, that can be confused with the case
#' where \eqn{\Sigma}{Sigma} itself is singular. Then the generalized inverse
#' Wishart distribution is the natural extension of the inverse Wishart using
#' the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse. This can generate samples for positive
#' semi-definite \eqn{\Sigma}{Sigma} however, a function dedicated to generating
#' singular normal random distributions or singular pseudo Wishart distributions
#' should be used if that is desired.
#' Note there are different ways of parameterizing the Inverse
#' Wishart distribution, so check which one you need.
#' Here, if \eqn{X \sim IW_p(\Sigma, \nu)}{X ~ IW_p(Sigma, df)} then
#' \eqn{X^{-1} \sim W_p(\Sigma^{-1}, \nu)}{X^{-1} ~ W_p(Sigma^{-1}, df)}.
#' Dawid (1981) has a different definition: if
#' \eqn{X \sim W_p(\Sigma^{-1}, \nu)}{X ~ W_p(Sigma^{-1}, df)} and
#' \eqn{\nu > p - 1}{df > p - 1}, then
#' \eqn{X^{-1} = Y \sim IW(\Sigma, \delta)}{X^{-1} = Y ~ IW(Sigma, delta)},
#' where \eqn{\delta = \nu - p + 1}{delta = df - p + 1}.
#' @param n integer sample size.
#' @param df integer parameter, "degrees of freedom", should be less than the
#'    dimension of \code{p}
#' @param Sigma positive semi-definite \eqn{p \times p}{(p * p)} "scale" matrix,
#'    the matrix parameter of the distribution.
#' @return a numeric array, say \code{R}, of dimension
#'     \eqn{p \times p \times n}{p * p * n},
#'     where each \code{R[,,i]} is a realization of the pseudo Wishart
#'     distribution \eqn{W_p(Sigma, df)}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{rWishart}}, \code{\link{rInvWishart}},
#'     and \code{\link{rPseudoWishart}}
#' @references
#' Diaz-Garcia, Jose A, Ramon Gutierrez Jaimez, and Kanti V Mardia. 1997.
#' “Wishart and Pseudo-Wishart Distributions and Some Applications to
#' Shape Theory.”
#' Journal of Multivariate Analysis 63 (1): 73–87. \doi{10.1006/jmva.1997.1689}.
#' Bodnar, T.,  Mazur, S., Podgórski, K.
#' "Singular inverse Wishart distribution and
#' its application to portfolio theory",
#' Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Volume 143,
#' 2016, Pages 314-326, ISSN 0047-259X,
#' \doi{10.1016/j.jmva.2015.09.021}.
#' Bodnar, T.,  Okhrin, Y., "Properties of the singular, inverse
#' and generalized inverse partitioned Wishart distributions", Journal of
#' Multivariate Analysis, Volume 99, Issue 10, 2008,  Pages 2389-2405,
#' ISSN 0047-259X, \doi{10.1016/j.jmva.2008.02.024}.
#' Uhlig, Harald. "On Singular Wishart and Singular Multivariate Beta
#' Distributions."
#' Ann. Statist. 22 (1994), no. 1, 395--405. \doi{10.1214/aos/1176325375}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(20181228)
#' A <- rGenInvWishart(1L, 4L, 5.0 * diag(5L))[, , 1]
#' A
#' # A should be singular
#' eigen(A)$values
#' set.seed(20181228)
#' B <- rPseudoWishart(1L, 4L, 5.0 * diag(5L))[, , 1]
#' # A should be a Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of B
#' B
#' # this should be equal to B
#' B %*% A %*% B
#' # this should be equal to A
#' A %*% B %*% A
rGenInvWishart <- function(n, df, Sigma) {
  tol <- 1e-06
  sigma <- as.matrix(Sigma)
  x_result <- rPseudoWishart(n, df, sigma)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    tmp_x <- x_result[, , i]
    svd_x <- svd(tmp_x)
    pos <- (svd_x$d > tol)
    x_result[, , i] <- svd_x$v[, pos, drop = FALSE] %*%
      ((1 / svd_x$d[pos]) * t(svd_x$u[, pos, drop = FALSE]))


#' Random Pseudo Wishart Distributed Matrices
#' @description Generate n random matrices, distributed according
#' to the pseudo Wishart distribution with parameters \code{Sigma} and
#' \code{df}, \eqn{W_p(\Sigma, df)}{W_p(Sigma, df)}, with sample size
#' \code{df} less than the dimension \code{p}.
#' Let \eqn{X_i}, \eqn{i = 1, 2, ..., df} be \code{df}
#' observations of a multivariate normal distribution with mean 0 and
#' covariance \code{Sigma}. Then \eqn{\sum X_i X_i'} is distributed as a pseudo
#' Wishart \eqn{W_p(\Sigma, df)}{W_p(Sigma, df)}. Sometimes this is called a
#' singular Wishart distribution, however, that can be confused with the case
#' where \eqn{\Sigma}{Sigma} itself is singular. If cases with a singular
#' \eqn{\Sigma}{Sigma} are desired, this function cannot provide them.
#' @param n integer sample size.
#' @param df integer parameter, "degrees of freedom", should be less than the
#'    dimension of \code{p}
#' @param Sigma positive definite \eqn{p \times p}{(p * p)} "scale" matrix, the
#'    matrix parameter of the distribution.
#' @return a numeric array, say \code{R}, of dimension
#'     \eqn{p \times p \times n}{p * p * n},
#'     where each \code{R[,,i]} is a realization of the pseudo Wishart
#'     distribution \eqn{W_p(Sigma, df)}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{rWishart}}, \code{\link{rInvWishart}},
#'     and \code{\link{rGenInvWishart}}
#' @references
#' Diaz-Garcia, Jose A, Ramon Gutierrez Jaimez, and Kanti V Mardia. 1997.
#' “Wishart and Pseudo-Wishart Distributions and Some Applications to
#' Shape Theory.”
#' Journal of Multivariate Analysis 63 (1): 73–87. \doi{10.1006/jmva.1997.1689}.
#' Uhlig, Harald. "On Singular Wishart and Singular Multivariate
#' Beta Distributions."
#' Ann. Statist. 22 (1994), no. 1, 395--405. \doi{10.1214/aos/1176325375}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(20181227)
#' A <- rPseudoWishart(1L, 4L, 5.0 * diag(5L))[, , 1]
#' # A should be singular
#' eigen(A)$values
rPseudoWishart <- function(n, df, Sigma) {
  sigma <- as.matrix(Sigma)
  p <- ncol(sigma)
  if (df > p - 1) {
    warning("df > dimension of Sigma - 1, using rWishart.")
    return(stats::rWishart(n, df, sigma))
  if (!(df == round(df))) stop("df needs to be a whole number.")
  if (df < 1) stop("df needs to be greater than 1.")
  .Call("C_rPseudoWishart", n, df, sigma, PACKAGE = "CholWishart")

.onUnload <- function(libpath) {
  library.dynam.unload("CholWishart", libpath)

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CholWishart documentation built on Oct. 8, 2021, 9:09 a.m.