permute_all_uncertainties: Permute all possible uncertainties for a given set of states

View source: R/permute_all_uncertainties.r

permute_all_uncertaintiesR Documentation

Permute all possible uncertainties for a given set of states


Given a set of discrete states, will permute all possible uncertainity combinations of those states.





A vector of single states (e.g., 0, 1, 2 etc.).


This function solves a simple phylogenetic combinatorics problem - what are all the possible outcomes for a character to be in given uncertainties are allowed?

For example, for three states (0, 1, 2) there are four possible uncertainties: 0/1, 0/2, 1/2 and 0/1/2.

If the user is instead only interested in the size of this state space, this is simply given by 2^N - N - 1, where N is the number of single states. Thus, the first several outcomes are:

| N states | N possible outcomes |
|     2    |          1          |
|     3    |          4          |
|     4    |          11         |
|     5    |          26         |
|     6    |          57         |
|     7    |          120        |
|     8    |          247        |
|     9    |          502        |
|    10    |          1,013      |
|    11    |          2,036      |
|    12    |          4,083      |
|    13    |          8,178      |
|    14    |          16,369     |

Note that this function is really designed for internal use, but may have value to some users and so is available "visibly" here.


A vector of all possible uncertainty states.


Graeme T. Lloyd

See Also

make_costmatrix and permute_all_polymorphisms


# Get all possible states for the character 0, 1, and 2:
permute_all_uncertainties(single_states = 0:2)

Claddis documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:18 p.m.