
#' Classification of climate according to Koeppen - Geiger, of aridity indices, of continentality indices, of water balance after Thornthwaite, of viticultural bioclimatic indices. Drawing climographs: Thornthwaite, Peguy, Bagnouls-Gaussen.
#' @section ClimClass functions:
#' The package collects several criteria for climate classification. The most general is Koeppen - Geiger's classification, as described in Trewartha (1980), implemented in function \code{\link{koeppen_geiger}}. 
#' Almost all sub-classes have been considered, with the only exception of those whose 
#' attribution is based on qualitative assessment of climatic features. 
#' A classic graphical visualization of temperature and precipitation, according to 
#' Bagnouls and Gaussen (1953), is provided by function \code{\link{bagn_gau}}. A 
#' similar, but more sophisticated representation of the same variable, is that of 
#' Walter - Lieth (Lieth et al., CD). This function is implemented in 
#' library \code{climatol} (http://www.climatol.eu/).
#' Function \code{\link{arid}} calculates a set of six annual aridity indices (Emberger, 1955; 
#' Lang, R., 1920; Rivas - Martinez, (website); and UNEP, 1997; De Martonne, 1925; Thornthwaite
#' , 1948). For the latter two also a monthly index is calculated.
#' A set of five continentality indices is proposed by function \code{\link{contin}} 
#' (Gorczynski, L., 1920; Conrad, 1946; Gams, 1932; Rivas - Martinez, web page; 
#' Amann, 1929).
#' Thornthwaite's method for the assessment of soil water balance (Thornthwaite, 1948; 
#' Thornthwaite and Mather, 1955; Thornthwaite and Mather, 1957) makes use of monthly 
#' series to calculate the main quantities in water balance: evapotranspiration, 
#' soil water deficit, soil water surplus. From these series, quantiles are calculated 
#' for every month, to infer climatic features concerning soil water. 
#' Function \code{\link{thornthwaite}} provides such analysis, and function \code{\link{plot}} 
#' manages the plot of the quantiles of the relevant quantities.
#' The assessment of potential evapotranspiration by Thornthwaite and Mather's algorithm 
#' requires the estimation of extra-atmospheric radiation, which is calculated by 
#' function \code{\link{ExAtRa}}, based on the algorithm of Allen et al., 2005.
#' Function \code{\link{as.datcli}} tranforms a data frame as in example dataset 
#' \code{\link{Trent_climate}} into a data frame format like \code{datcli} in 
#' \code{climatol} package. It can be used to plot Walter - Lieth's climographs 
#' (see examples documentation).
#' Function \code{\link{oiv_ind}} calculates several bioclimatic indices for 
#' viticulture proposed by the International Organization of Viticuture, OIV 
#' (Resolution OIV-VITI 423-2012), plus one index (Branas). One index of OIV's 
#' list, Riou's drought index, needing daily series, is calculated by another 
#' function, \code{\link{RDI}}.
#' The data set included in the library is formed by monthly and daily time 
#' series of temperature and precipitation from Trentino, Italy 
#' (courtesy of Autonomous Province of Trento - Meteotrentino, and of 
#' Fondazione Edmund Mach, San Michele all'Adige). Climatic normals are 
#' calculated, too (output of function \code{\link{climate}}). The output 
#' of function \code{\link{thornthwaite}} is present in the data set 
#' \code{\link{Trent_climate}}, as input for function \code{\link{plot}}. 
#' Reference tables for aridity and continentality indices are provided as 
#' lists, to rank the classifications on standard scales 
#' (\code{\link{arid_ind_tables}} and \code{\link{continental_ind_tables}}, 
#' respectively).
#' See a first application in Eccel et al., 2015 and an application more 
#' focused on viticultural indices in Eccel et al., 2016.
#' @keywords "climate classification" "Koeppen - Geiger" Thornthwaite aridity continentality "Bagnouls - Gaussen" Peguy "bioclimatic indices" OIV
#' @docType package
#' @name ClimClass
#' @references Allen, R.G., Walter, I.A., Elliott, R.L., Howell, T.A., 
#'Itenfisu, D., Jensen, M.E., and Snyder, R.L. (eds.), 2005: ASCE 
#'Standardized Reference Evapotranspiration Equation. 216 pp.
#' @references Amann, J., 1929: L'hygrothermie du climat, facteur 
#'determinant la repartition des especes atlantiques. Revue Bryol., 56:126-133.
#' @references Amerine, M.A., and Winkler, A.J., 1944: Composition and 
#'quality of musts and wines of California grapes. Hilgardia. 15(6): 493-673.
# '@references Bagnouls, F., and Gaussen, H., 1953: Saison seche et indice 
#'xerothermique. Docum. pour les Cartes des Prod. Veget. Serie: Generalite, 
#'1 (1953), pp. 1-49.
#'@references Conrad, V. 1946: Usual formulas of continentality and their 
#'limits of validity. Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Volume 
#'27, Issue 5, p. 663-664
#'@references De Martonne E., 1925: Traite de Geographie Physique: 3 tomes, Paris.
#'@references Eccel, E., Cordano, E., Zottele, F., Toller, GB., 2015: ClimClass and 
#'ClimClassMap: two R- packages for climatic and agro-bioclimatic indices. 
#'An application to Trentino. XVIII National Congress of Agrometeorology, 
#'9-11 June 2015, San Michele all'Adige
#'all\'Adige, Book of Extended Abstract (available from Autors).
#'@references Eccel, E.,  Zollo, A.L.,  Mercogliano, P., Zorer, R., 2016: Simulations 
#'of quantitative shift in bio-climatic indices in the viticultural areas of Trentino 
#'(Italian Alps) by an open source R package. 
#'Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 127 (2016) 92-100.
#'@references Emberger, L., 1955: Une classification biogeographique des climats. 
#'Receuil des travaux des laboratoires de botanique, geologie et zoologie de la 
#'faculte des sciences de l'universite de Montpellier (Serie Botanique), Fascicule 7, 3-43.
#'@references Eynard, I. e Dal Masso, G., 1990: Viticoltura moderna. Manuale pratico. 
#'Hoepli Milano. 778 pp.
#'@references Fregoni, C., et  Pezzutto, S., 2000: Principes et premieres approches 
#'de l'indice bioclimatique de qualite Fregoni, Progr.Agric.Vitic. 117: 390-396.
#'@references Gams, H., 1932: Die klimatische Begrenzung von Pflanzenarealen und die 
#'Verteilung der hygrischen Kontinentalitaet in den Alpen. Zeitschr. Ges. Erdkunde, Berlin. 
#'@references Gladstones, J.S., 2004: Climate and Australian Viticulture. In 'Viticulture. 
#'Volume 1-Resources'. (Eds Dry PR, Coombe BG) pp. 90-118.
#'@references Huglin, M.P., 1978: Nouveau mode d'evaluation des possibilites heliothermiques 
#'d'un milieu viticole. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie de l'Agriculture de France. 64: 1117-1126.
#'@references Gorczynski, L., 1920: Sur le calcul du degre de continentalisme et son application
#' dans la climatologie. Geografiska Annaler 2, 324-331
#'@references Hargreaves, G.H., and Samani, Z.A., 1985: Reference crop evapotranspiratin 
#'from temperature. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 1(2):96-99
#'@references Lang, R., 1920: Verwitterung und Bodenbildung als Einfuehrung in die Bodenkunde. 
#'Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart
#'@references Lebourgeoise, F., 2010: Cours de bioclimatologie a l'usage des forestiers. 
#'Departement SIAFEE, UFR Forets, Arbres et Milieux Naturels. ENGREF, Nancy Cedex.
#'@references Lieth, H., Berlekamp, J., Fuest, S., and Riediger, S.: Walter-Lieth: Climate 
#'Diagram World Atlas, CD-Series I of Climate and Biosphere, 1st edit.
#'@references Michalet, R., and Souchier, B., 1991: Une approche synthetique biopedoclimatique 
#'des montagnes mediterraneennes: l'exemple du Maroc septemptrional. 
#'Thesis, Univ. J. Fourier, Grenoble, 273 pp
#'@references Rivas-Martinez: \url{http://www.globalbioclimatics.org/}
#'@references Thornthwaite, C. W., 1948: An Approach toward a Rational Classification of Climate. 
#'Geographical Review, Vol. 38, No. 1(Jan.):55-94.
#'@references Thornthwaite, C. W., and Mather, J.R., 1955: The water balance.  Publications in 
#'Climatology, Volume 8(1), Laboratory of Climatology
#'@references Thornthwaite, C. W., and Mather, J.R., 1957: Instructions and tables for 
#' computing potential evapotranspiration and the water balance.  Publications in climatology, 
#' Volume 10(3), Laboratory of Climatology.
#'@references Tonietto, J., and Carbonneau, A., 2004: A multicriteria climatic classification 
#'system for grape-growing regions worldwide. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 124(1/2): 
#'@references Trewartha, G.T. and Lyle, H.H., 1980: An Introduction to Climate. MacGraw - Hill, 
#'5th Ed. Appendix: Koeppen's Classification of Climates.
#'@references UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), 1997: World atlas of desertification 
#'2ED. UNEP, London
#' @docType package
#' @name ClimClass

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