Man pages for ClustOfVar
Clustering of Variables

bootvarBootstrap of individuals on a numeric matrix and on a...
clust_dissCalculates the aggregation criterion for two clusters of...
clusterscoreCalculates de synthetic variable of a cluster
cutreevarCut a tree into groups of variables
decathlonPerformance in decathlon (data)
descriptDescription of a partition of variables
dogsBreeds of Dogs data
flowerFlower Characteristics
getnnsvarNearest neighbor of variables
hclustvarHierarchical clustering of variables
kmeansvark-means clustering of variables
mixedVarSimSimilarity between two variables
plot.clustabPlot of an index of stability of partitions of variables
plot.clustvarPlot loadings in each cluster.
plot.hclustvarDendrogram of the hierarchy of variables
predict.clustvarScores of new objects on the synthetic variables of a given...
print.clustabPrint a 'clustab' object
print.clustvarPrint an object of class 'clustvar'
print.hclustvarPrint a 'hclustvar' object
proteinProtein data
randRand index between two partitions
stabilityStability of partitions from a hierarchy of variables
summary.clustabSummary of a 'clustab' object
summary.clustvarSummary of a 'hclustvar' object
vnfUser satisfaction survey with 1232 individuals and 14...
ClustOfVar documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:37 p.m.