Man pages for Clustering
Techniques for Evaluating Clustering

aggExCluster_euclideanMethod that runs the aggExcluster algorithm using the...
agnes_euclidean_methodMethod that runs the agnes algorithm using the Euclidean...
agnes_manhattan_methodMethod that runs the agnes algorithm using the manhattan...
algorithm_amapamap package algorithms
algorithm_apclusterapcluster package algorithms
algorithm_clustercluster package algorithms
algorithm_clusterrClusterR package algorithms
algorithm_pvclustpvclust package algorithms
algorithmsMethod that returns the list of used algorithms
algorithms_packageMethod that returns all the algorithms executed by the...
apclusterK_euclideanMethod that runs the apClusterK algorithm using the Euclidean...
apclusterK_manhattanMethod that runs the apclusterK algorithm using the Manhattan...
apclusterK_minkowskiMethod that runs the apclusterK algorithm using the Minkowski...
appClusteringClustering GUI.
basketballThis data set contains a series of statistics (5 attributes)...
best_ranked_external_metricsBest rated external metrics.
best_ranked_internal_metricsBest rated internal metrics.
boltsData from an experiment on the affects of machine adjustments...
calculate_best_external_variables_by_metricsMethod that calculates the best rated external metrics.
calculate_best_internal_variables_by_metricsMethod that calculates the best rated internal metrics.
calculate_best_validation_external_by_metricsMethod that calculates which algorithm and which metric...
calculate_best_validation_internal_by_metricsMethod that calculates which algorithm and which metric...
calculate_connectivityMethod to calculate the Connectivity
calculate_dunnMethod to calculate the dunn.
calculate_resultMethod that returns the value or variable depending on where...
calculate_result_internalMethod that returns the value or variable depending on where...
calculate_validation_external_by_metricsMethod that calculates which algorithm behaves best for the...
calculate_validation_internal_by_metricsMethod that calculates which algorithm behaves best for the...
clara_euclidean_methodMethod that runs the clara algorithm using the Euclidean...
clara_manhattan_methodMethod that runs the clara algorithm using the Manhattan...
clusteringClustering algorithm.
connectivity_metricMethod to calculate the connectivity.
convert_numeric_matrixMethod that converts a matrix into numerical format.
convert_tableMethod in charge of creating a table from an array with the...
convert_toOrdinalMethod to convert columns to ordinal.
daisy_euclidean_methodMethod that runs the daisy algorithm using the Euclidean...
daisy_gower_methodMethod that runs the daisy algorithm using the Gower metric...
daisy_manhattan_methodMethod that runs the daisy algorithm using the Manhattan...
dataframe_by_metrics_evaluationMethod to filter only the external measurement columns
detect_definition_attributeMethod in charge of detecting the limit of a dataset header.
diana_euclidean_methodMethod that runs the diana algorithm using the Euclidean...
dunn_metricMethod to calculate the dunn.
entropy_formulaMethod for calculating entropy.
entropy_metricMethod to calculate the entropy.
evaluate_all_column_datasetMethod in charge of calculating the average for all datasets...
evaluate_best_validation_external_by_metricsEvaluates algorithms by measures of dissimilarity based on a...
evaluate_best_validation_internal_by_metricsEvaluates algorithms by measures of dissimilarity based on a...
evaluate_validation_external_by_metricsEvaluate external validations by algorithm.
evaluate_validation_internal_by_metricsEvaluate internal validations by algorithm.
execute_datasetsEvaluation clustering algorithm.
execute_package_parallelEvaluation clustering algorithm.
export_file_externalExport result of external metrics in latex.
export_file_internalExport result of internal metrics in latex.
extension_fileMethod that return the extension of a file
external_validationMethod that applicate differents external metrics about a...
fanny_euclidean_methodMethod that runs the fanny algorithm using the Euclidean...
fanny_manhattan_methodMethod that runs the fanny algorithm using the Manhattan...
fill_cluster_vectorMethod that fill vector
fmeasure_metricMethod to calculate the f_measure.
fowlkes_mallows_index_metricMethod to calculate the fowlkes and mallows.
gmm_euclidean_methodMethod that runs the gmm algorithm using the Euclidean metric...
gmm_manhattan_methodMethod that runs the gmm algorithm using the Manhattan metric...
hclust_euclideanMethod that runs the hcluster algorithm using the Euclidean...
information_externalMethod that returns an array with the external information of...
information_internalMethod that returns an array with the internal information of...
initializeExternalValidationMethod that return a list of internal validation initialized...
initializeInternalValidationMethod that return a list of external validation initialized...
internal_validationMethod that applicate differents internal metrics about a...
is_External_MetricsMethod that checks for external metrics
is_Internal_MetricsMethod that checks for internal metrics
kmeans_arma_methodMethod that runs the kmeans_arma algorithm using the...
kmeans_rcpp_methodMethod that runs the kmeans_rcpp algorithm using the...
max_value_metricMethod that return max value of metric.
measure_amapMetrics of the amap algorithm
measure_apclusterMetrics of the apcluster algorithm
measure_calculateMethod that returns all the measures executed by the package...
measure_clusterMetrics of the cluster algorithm
measure_clusterrMetrics of the ClusterR algorithm
measure_packageMethod that returns all the measures executed by the package
measure_pvclustMetrics of the pvclust algorithm
metrics_calculateMethod in charge of verifying the implemented metrics
metrics_externalMethod that returns the list of used external metrics
metrics_internalMethod that returns the list of used internal metrics
metrics_validateMethod that returns the list of used metrics
mini_kmeans_methodMethod that runs the mini_kmeans algorithm using the...
mona_methodMethod that runs the mona algorithm using external or...
number_columnas_externalMethod that returns how many external metrics there are in...
number_columnas_internalMethod that returns how many internal metrics there are in...
number_variables_datasetMethod that returns the number of variables in a dataset...
packagesMethod that returns the list of used packages
pam_euclidean_methodMethod that runs the pam algorithm using the Euclidean metric...
pam_manhattan_methodMethod that runs the pam algorithm using the Manhattan metric...
path_datasetMethod that return a list of files that exists in a directory
plot_clusteringGraphic representation of the evaluation measures.
precision_metricMethod to calculate the precision.
pvclust_correlation_methodMethod that runs the pvclust algorithm using the Correlation...
pvclust_euclidean_methodMethod that runs the pvclust algorithm using the Euclidean...
pvpick_methodMethod that runs the pvpick algorithm using an external or...
read_fileMethod that converts a dataset into a matrix
recall_metricMethod to calculate the recall.
refactorNameMethod for refactoring the distance measurement name.
resultClusteringMethod for filtering clustering results.
result_external_algorithm_by_metricExternal results by algorithm.
result_internal_algorithm_by_metricInternal results by algorithm
row_name_df_externalMethod in charge of obtaining those metrics that are external...
row_name_df_internalMethod in charge of obtaining those metrics that are internal...
show_result_external_algorithm_by_metricMethod that returns a table with the algorithm and the metric...
show_result_external_algorithm_group_by_clusteringMethod in charge of obtaining a table with the results of the...
show_result_internal_algorithm_by_metricMethod that returns a table with the algorithm and the metric...
show_result_internal_algorithm_group_by_clusteringMethod in charge of obtaining a table with the results of the...
silhouette_metricMethod to calculate the silhouette.
sort.clusteringReturns the clustering result sorted by a set of metrics.
specify_decimalMethod that format a number with four digits
stockThe data provided are daily stock prices from January 1988...
stulongThe study was performed at the 2nd Department of Medicine,...
sub-.clusteringFilter metrics in a 'clustering' object returning a new...
transform_datasetMethod for filtering external columns of a dataset.
transform_dataset_internalMethod for filtering internal columns of a dataset.
variation_information_metricMethod to calculate the variation information.
weatherOne of the most known testing data sets in machine learning....
Clustering documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:54 a.m.