Man pages for CoRpower
Power Calculations for Assessing Correlates of Risk in Clinical Efficacy Trials

computeNEstimation of Size and Numbers of Cases and Controls in the...
computePowerPower Calculations for Assessing Intermediate Biomarkers as...
plotPowerContPlotting of Power Curve versus Correlate of Risk Effect Size...
plotPowerTriPlotting of Power versus Correlate of Risk Effect Size for...
plotROCcurveTriPlotting of ROC Curves for Trichotomous Biomarkers
plotRRgradVEPlotting of the Ratio of Relative Risks for Higher/Lower...
plotVElatContPlotting Treatment (Vaccine) Efficacy Curves for Different...
CoRpower documentation built on Nov. 17, 2020, 9:08 a.m.