Man pages for CohortCharacteristics
Summarise and Visualise Characteristics of Patients in the OMOP CDM

CohortCharacteristics-packageCohortCharacteristics: Summarise and Visualise...
mockCohortCharacteristicsIt creates a mock database for testing CohortCharacteristics...
plotCharacteristicsCreate a ggplot from the output of summariseCharacteristics.
plotCohortAttritioncreate a ggplot from the output of...
plotCohortCountPlot the result of summariseCohortCount.
plotCohortOverlapPlot the result of summariseCohortOverlap.
plotCohortTimingPlot summariseCohortTiming results.
plotComparedLargeScaleCharacteristicscreate a ggplot from the output of...
plotLargeScaleCharacteristicscreate a ggplot from the output of...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
summariseCharacteristicsSummarise characteristics of cohorts in a cohort table
summariseCohortAttritionSummarise attrition associated with cohorts in a cohort table
summariseCohortCountSummarise counts for cohorts in a cohort table
summariseCohortOverlapSummarise overlap between cohorts in a cohort table
summariseCohortTimingSummarise timing between entries into cohorts in a cohort...
summariseLargeScaleCharacteristicsThis function is used to summarise the large scale...
tableCharacteristicsFormat a summarise_characteristics object into a visual...
tableCohortAttritionCreate a visual table from the output of...
tableCohortCountFormat a summarise_characteristics object into a visual...
tableCohortOverlapFormat a summariseOverlapCohort result into a visual table.
tableCohortTimingFormat a summariseCohortTiming result into a visual table.
tableLargeScaleCharacteristicsFormat a summarise_large_scale_characteristics object into a...
CohortCharacteristics documentation built on Oct. 1, 2024, 5:08 p.m.