Man pages for CommEcol
Community Ecology Analyses

autosimiAutosimilarity curve of species community data
betaRegDispBeta diversity metrics between sites in a moving window along...
CommEcolCommunity Ecology Analyses
CommEcol-internalInternal CommEcol objects
compasSimulation of species community data along gradients
dis.chaoChao et al. dissimilarity indices
dis.goodallGoodall dissimilarity index
dis.nnessNNESS and NESS dissimilarity indices
japiMacroinvertebrate morphospecies living on stones of a stream...
part.m.treePartition of multi-sample dissimilarity indices using...
part.p.treePartition of pair-wise dissimilarity indices using...
select.windowSelect cells inside a defined window of a gridded dataset
sites4.6Artificial dataset containing 4 samples [rows] and 6...
sites5.6Artificial dataset containing 5 samples [rows] and 6...
sites6.6Artificial dataset containing 6 samples [rows] and 6...
stairs6Example of phylogenetic tree containing 6 species.
standExtentStandardization of spatial extent for two metacommunities by...
tree6Example of phylogenetic tree containing 6 species.
treeNodfTree-like Nestedness of Ecological Metacommunities
CommEcol documentation built on June 28, 2024, 5:06 p.m.