Man pages for CondReg
Condition Number Regularized Covariance Estimation

condregCompute the condition number with given penalty parameter
crbulkComputes multiple solutions
datasnpStandard & Poors index
kgridReturn a vector of grid of penalties for cross-validation
ml_solverCompute shrinkage of eigenvalues for condreg
path_backwardCompute optimal u of Lemma 1 in JRSSB paper using the...
path_forwardCompute optimal u of Lemma 1 in JRSSB paper using the forward...
pfweightsCompute optimal portfolio weights
RWeekly stock price data
select_condregCompute the best condition number regularized based based on...
select_kmaxSelection of penalty parameter based on cross-validation
transcostCompute transaction cost
CondReg documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:52 a.m.