Man pages for ConnectednessApproach
Connectedness Approach

aaacgo2022Dataset of Adekoya, Akinseye, Antonakakis, Chatziantoniou,...
acg2020Dataset of Antonakakis, Chatziantoniou and Gabauer (2020)
AggregatedConnectednessAggregated Connectedness Measures
BayesPriorBayes Prior
bcg2022Dataset of Broadstock, Chatziantoniou and Gabauer (2022)
bgu2021Dataset of Balcilar, Gabauer and Umar (2021)
BivariateDCCGARCHBivariate DCC-GARCH
BivariatePortfolioKroner and Ng (1998) optimal bivariate portfolio weights
cegg2022Dataset of Chatziantoniou, Elsayed, Gabauer and Gozgor (2022)
cg2021Dataset of Chatziantoniou and Gabauer (2021)
cgg2022Dataset of Chatziantoniou, Gabauer and Gupta (2022)
cgs2021Dataset of Chatziantoniou, Gabauer and Stenfors (2021)
cgs2022Dataset of Chatziantoniou, Gabauer and Stenfors (2022)
ConditionalCorrelationPartial Conditional Correlations
ConnectednessApproachConnectedness Approach
ConnectednessTableConnectedness table
DCCGARCHselectionDCC-GARCH selection specification
dy2009Dataset of Diebold and Yilmaz (2009)
dy2012Dataset of Diebold and Yilmaz (2012)
ElasticNetVARElastic Net vector autoregression
EquallyWeightedPortfolioEqually weighted portfolio
ExclusiveConnectednessExclusive Connectedness Measures
ExtendedJointConnectednessBalcilar et al. (2021) extended joint connectedness approach
ExternalConnectednessExternal Connectedness Measures
FEVDForecast error variance decomposition
FrequencyConnectednessBaruník and Křehlík (2018) frequency connectedness approach
g2020Dataset of Gabauer (2020)
GARCHselectionUnivariate GARCH selection criterion
GARCHtestsUnivariate GARCH test statistics
gcat2022Dataset of Chatziantoniou, Abakah, Gabauer & Tiwari (2022)
gg2018Dataset of Gabauer and Gupta (2018)
gghm2022Dataset of Gabauer, Gupta, Haradik and Miller (2020)
HedgeRatioKroner and Sultan (1993) hedge ratios
InclusiveConnectednessInclusive Connectedness Measures
InternalConnectednessInternal Connectedness Measures
IRFImpulse response functions
jcggh2022Dataset of Juncal, Chatziantoniou, Gabauer, Garcia & Hardik...
JointConnectednessLastrapes and Wiesen (2021) joint connectedness approach
lw2021Dataset of Lastrapes and Wiesen (2021)
MinimumConnectednessPortfolioMinimum connectedness portfolio
MinnesotaPriorMinnesota Prior
PartialCorrelationsPartial Contemporaneous Correlations
PlotFROMDynamic from total directional connectedness plot
PlotINFDynamic influence connectedness plot
PlotNETDynamic net total directional connectedness plot
PlotNetworkNetwork plot
PlotNPDCDynamic net pairwise connectedness plot
PlotNPTDynamic net pairwise transmission plot
PlotPCIDynamic pairwise connectedness plot
PlotTCIDynamic total connectedness plot
PlotTODynamic to total directional connectedness plot
QVARQuantile vector autoregression
RiskParityPortfolioMinimum connectedness portfolio
SummaryStatisticsSummary Statistics
TimeConnectednessDiebold and Yilmaz (2009, 2012) connectedness approach
TVPVARTime-varying parameter vector autoregression
UninformativePriorUninformative Prior
VARVector autoregression
VarianceTestVariance Test
VFEVDGeneralized volatility forecast error variance decomposition...
WoldWold representation theorem
ConnectednessApproach documentation built on Aug. 31, 2022, 5:05 p.m.