Man pages for CooccurrenceAffinity
Affinity in Co-Occurrence Data

AcceptAffCIAcceptability Interval
AcceptAffinCalculates the "Acceptability Function" used in defining...
affinityComputes alpha, probability, expected co-occurence, median...
affinity2by2Maximum likelihood estimate and intervals of alpha, null...
AlphIntsMedian interval, four confidence intervals, null expectation...
BisectBisections for finding a root of a function
CovrgCoverage Probabilities for Confidence Intervals about alpha,...
CovrgPlotCoverage probabilities of the confidence intervals,...
dataprepOccurrence matrix (e.g., species by site) data preparation...
EHypMidPQuantile of the Extended Hypergeometric distribution...
EHypQuIntInterval of alpha values for which X is a specified q'th...
logLikExtHyplog of Extended Hypergeometric Likelihiood at (X, mA,mB,N,...
MaxX.IntMaxX.Int computation
midP.EHypmidP.EHyp computation
minmaxAlpha.pFNCHinteger-endpoint of range for which...
MinX.IntMinX.Int computation
ML.AlphaMaximum likelihood estimate and intervals of alpha, null...
plotggHeatmap plot of affinity() output
CooccurrenceAffinity documentation built on May 4, 2023, 1:07 a.m.