Man pages for CopSens
Copula-Based Sensitivity Analysis for Observational Causal Inference

bcalibrateCalibration for Binary Outcomes
cali_mean_ybinary_algmCalibrate Estimate of Intervention Mean for Binary Outcome
cal_rvCalculate Robustness Value When Executing Worstcase...
GaussianT_BinaryYDataset with Gaussian Treatments and Binary Outcomes
GaussianT_GaussianYDataset with Gaussian Treatments and Outcomes
gcalibrateCalibration for Gaussian Outcomes
get_opt_gammaObtain Optimized Sensitivity Parameters Using Multivariate...
micedataBody weight and gene expressions of 287 mice
mice_est_nulltrEstimates of genes' effects on mice body weight using null...
plot_estimatesVisualize Estimates of Treatment Effects
CopSens documentation built on May 12, 2022, 9:06 a.m.