plot_estimates: Visualize Estimates of Treatment Effects

View source: R/plot_estimates.R

plot_estimatesR Documentation

Visualize Estimates of Treatment Effects


Visualize Estimates of Treatment Effects


plot_estimates(est, show_rv = TRUE, order = "naive", labels = NULL, ...)



an return object from gcalibrate or bcalibrate, or data.frame containing estimates of treatment effects with estimates' type in columns and contrasts of interest in rows.


logical. Whether robustness values should be printed in the plot or not? Available only for the "worstcase" calibration.


character. The type of order used to plot treatment effects from left to right. Can be one of the following:
"naive" - order by the naive estimate from smallest to largest. "worstcase" - place all treatments with negative robust effects on the left, with positive robust effects on the right, and all sensitive ones in the middle. Within the negative robust group, order treatments by the upper bound of the worst-case ignorance region from smallest to largest; within the positive robust group, order treatments by the lower bound of the worst-case ignorance region from smallest to largest; and within the sensitive group, order by the naive estimate from smallest to largest.


character. Labels of treatments.


further arguments passed to theme


A graph plotting ignorance regions of the causal estimands of interest.


For examples, please refer to bcalibrate or gcalibrate

CopSens documentation built on May 12, 2022, 9:06 a.m.