Man pages for D2C
Predicting Causal Direction from Dependency Features

alarmAlarm dataset
BERBalanced Error Rate N samples according to the network distribution
D2C-classAn S4 class to store the RF model trained on the basis of the... S4 class to store
datasetDataset of the Alarm benchmark
descriptorcompute descriptor
examplestored D2C object
initialize-D2C.descriptor-methodcreation of a D2C.descriptor
initialize-D2C-methodcreation of a D2C object which preprocesses the list of DAGs... of a
initialize-simulatedDAG-methodcreation of a "simulatedDAG" containing a list of DAGs and...
mimrmIMR (minimum Interaction max Relevance) filter
predict-D2C-methodpredict if there is a connection between node i and node j
simulatedDAG-classAn S4 class to store a list of DAGs and associated...
true.netAdjacency matrix of the Alarm dataset
updateD2C-D2C-methodupdate of a "D2C" with a list of DAGs and associated...
update-simulatedDAG-methodupdate of a "simulatedDAG" with a list of DAGs and associated...
D2C documentation built on May 29, 2017, 10:44 a.m.