Man pages for D2MCS
Data Driving Multiple Classifier System

AccuracyComputes the Accuracy measure.
BinaryPlotPlotting feature clusters following bi-class problem.
ChiSquareHeuristicFeature-clustering based on ChiSquare method.
ClassificationOutputD2MCS Classification Output.
ClassMajorityVotingImplementation of Majority Voting voting.
ClassWeightedVotingImplementation Weighted Voting scheme.
ClusterPredictionsManages the predictions achieved on a cluster.
CombinedMetricsAbstract class to compute the class prediction based on...
CombinedVotingImplementation of Combined Voting.
ConfMatrixConfusion matrix wrapper.
D2MCSData Driven Multiple Classifier System.
DatasetSimple Dataset handler.
DatasetLoaderDataset creation.
DefaultModelFitDefault model fitting implementation.
DependencyBasedStrategyClustering strategy based on dependency between features.
DependencyBasedStrategyConfigurationCustom Strategy Configuration handler for the...
DIteratorIterator over a Subset object
ExecutedModelsHandles training of M.L. models
FinalPredStores the prediction for a specific voting scheme.
FisherTestHeuristicFeature-clustering based on Fisher's Exact Test.
FIteratorIterator over a file.
FNComputes the False Negative errors.
FPComputes the False Positive value.
GainRatioHeuristicFeature-clustering based on GainRatio methodology.
GenericClusteringStrategyAbstract Feature Clustering Strategy class.
GenericHeuristicAbstract Feature Clustering heuristic object.
GenericModelFitAbstract class for defining model fitting method.
GenericPlotPseudo-abstract class for creating feature clustering plots.
HDDatasetHigh Dimensional Dataset handler.
HDSubsetHigh Dimensional Subset handler.
InformationGainHeuristicFeature-clustering based on InformationGain methodology.
KappaComputes the Kappa Cohen value.
KendallHeuristicFeature-clustering based on Kendall Correlation Test.
MCCComputes the Matthews correlation coefficient.
MCCHeuristicFeature-clustering based on Matthews Correlation Coefficient...
MeasureFunctionArchetype to define customized measures.
MethodologyAbstract class to compute the probability prediction based on...
MinimizeFNCombined metric strategy to minimize FN errors.
MinimizeFPCombined metric strategy to minimize FP errors.
ModelStores a previously trained M.L. model.
MultinformationHeuristicFeature-clustering based on Mutual Information Computation...
NoProbabilityCompute performance across resamples.
NPVComputes the Negative Predictive Value.
OddsRatioHeuristicFeature-clustering based on Odds Ratio measure.
PearsonHeuristicFeature-clustering based on Pearson Correlation Test.
PPVComputes the Positive Predictive Value.
PrecisionComputes the Precision Value.
PredictionManages the prediction computed for a specific model.
PredictionOutputEncapsulates the achieved predictions.
ProbAverageVotingImplementation of Probabilistic Average voting.
ProbAverageWeightedVotingImplementation of Probabilistic Average Weighted voting.
ProbBasedMethodologyMethodology to obtain the combination of the probability of...
RecallComputes the Recall Value.
SensitivityComputes the Sensitivity Value.
SimpleStrategySimple feature clustering strategy.
SimpleVotingAbtract class to define simple voting schemes.
SingleVotingManages the execution of Simple Votings.
SpearmanHeuristicFeature-clustering based on Spearman Correlation Test.
SpecificityComputes the Specificity Value.
StrategyConfigurationDefault Strategy Configuration handler.
SubsetClassification set.
SummaryFunctionAbstract class to computing performance across resamples.
TNComputes the True Negative value.
TPComputes the True Positive Value.
TrainFunctionControl parameters for train stage.
TrainOutputStores the results achieved during training.
TrainsetTrainning set.
TwoClassControl parameters for train stage (Bi-class problem).
TypeBasedStrategyFeature clustering strategy.
UseProbabilityCompute performance across resamples.
VotingStrategyVoting Strategy template.
D2MCS documentation built on Aug. 23, 2022, 5:07 p.m.